How VA Disability Ratings Work - Cranial Nerve Conditions (2024)

The Trigeminal Nerve

(a.k.a. fifth cranial nerve or fifth nerve) extends from the brain to the face and jaw muscles. It divides into the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve, and the mandibular nerve. Any condition of these nerves is rated here. The trigeminal nerve provides feeling to the skin of the face, and controls the biting and chewing motions.

A condition of the trigeminal nerve is rated under one of the following codes with the corresponding ratings.

Diagnostic Code 8205: Paralysis of the trigeminal nerve. Complete paralysis: If the jaw is unable to move at all and the skin of the face has lost all sensation, it is rated 50%. Incomplete, severe paralysis is rated 30%. Incomplete, moderate paralysis is rated 10%. There is no rating for mild paralysis.

Diagnostic Code 8305: Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve. If the condition causes severe symptoms, it is rated 30%. If it causes moderate symptoms, it is rated 10%. There is no rating given for mild neuritis.

Diagnostic Code 8405: Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. Neuralgia cannot be rated higher than moderate, even if it is considered severe. If the condition is moderate, it is rated 10%. There is no rating given for a mild condition.

Limited motion of the jawbone (mandible) is rated under code 9902 for jaw conditions.

The Facial Nerve

(a.k.a. seventh cranial nerve) extends from the brain to the face and mouth. It is responsible for moving the facial muscles that are used to make facial expressions, and it helps in tasting.

A condition of the facial nerve is rated under one of the following codes with the corresponding ratings.

Diagnostic Code 8207: Paralysis of the facial nerve. Complete paralysis: If the face cannot make facial expressions, and the ability to taste is decreased, it is rated 30%. Incomplete, severe paralysis is rated 20%. Incomplete, moderate paralysis is rated 10%. There is no rating for mild paralysis.

Diagnostic Code 8307: Neuritis of the facial nerve. If the condition causes severe symptoms, it is rated 20%. If it causes moderate symptoms, it is rated 10%. No rating is given for mild neuritis.

Diagnostic Code 8407: Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Neuralgia cannot be rated higher than moderate, even if it is considered severe. If the condition is moderate, it is rated 10%. There is no rating given for a mild condition.

The Glossopharyngeal Nerve

(a.k.a. ninth cranial nerve) extends from the brain to the ears, throat, and tongue. It provides feeling to the throat and tonsils, helps sense tastes, and controls the movements of swallowing.

A condition of the glossopharyngeal nerve is rated under one of the following codes with the corresponding ratings.

Diagnostic Code 8209: Paralysis of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Complete paralysis: If it is difficult or impossible to swallow, it is rated 30%. Incomplete, severe paralysis is rated 20%. Incomplete, moderate paralysis is rated 10%. There is no rating for mild paralysis.

Diagnostic Code 8309: Neuritis of the glossopharyngeal nerve. If the condition causes severe symptoms, it is rated 20%. If it causes moderate symptoms, it is rated 10%. No rating is given for a mild condition.

Diagnostic Code 8409: Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Neuralgia cannot be rated higher than moderate, even if it is considered severe. If the condition is moderate, it is rated 10%. There is no rating given for a mild condition.

The Vagus Nerve

(a.k.a. tenth cranial nerve or pneumogastric nerve) is an extremely important nerve. It connects the brain with all the internal organs in the chest and abdomen. This nerve reports to the brain on the state of the internal organs and how well they are functioning. It does not directly control the internal organs, but just acts mostly as a way for them to communicate with the brain. In addition, it controls the muscles used for speaking and swallowing and is responsible for lowering the heart rate. Damage to the vagus nerve often results in high heart rate (tachycardia) and high blood pressure.

A condition of the vagus nerve is rated under one of the following codes with the corresponding ratings.

Diagnostic Code 8210: Paralysis of the vagus nerve. Complete paralysis: If there is difficulty swallowing and speaking or if the heart or other internal organs are severely affected (uncontrollable high blood pressure, very high heart rate, etc.), it is rated 50%. Incomplete, severe paralysis is rated 30%. Incomplete, moderate paralysis is rated 10%. There is no rating for mild paralysis.

Diagnostic Code 8310: Neuritis of the vagus nerve. If the condition causes severe symptoms, it is rated 30%. If it causes moderate symptoms, it is rated 10%. No rating is given for mild neuritis.

Diagnostic Code 8410: Neuralgia of the vagus nerve. Neuralgia cannot be rated higher than moderate, even if it is considered severe. If the condition is moderate, it is rated 10%. There is no rating given for a mild condition.

The Spinal Accessory Nerve

(a.k.a. eleventh cranial nerve or accessory nerve) is a branch of the accessory nerve. The root of the accessory nerve starts in both the brain and the spinal cord. The brain branch joins the vagus nerve, and so is rated as the vagus nerve. Only the spinal branch of the accessory nerve is rated here. This branch extends from the brain to the neck and shoulders. It controls the motions of shrugging the shoulders, rotating the head, and tilting the head front-to-back and side-to-side.

Diagnostic Code 8211: Paralysis of the spinal accessory nerve. Complete paralysis: If the shoulders are unable to shrug and the neck is unable to move at all, it is rated 30%. Incomplete, severe paralysis is rated 20%. Incomplete, moderate paralysis is rated 10%. There is no rating for mild paralysis.

Diagnostic Code 8311: Neuritis of the spinal accessory nerve. If the condition causes severe symptoms, it is rated 20%. If it causes moderate symptoms, it is rated 10%. No rating is given for a mild condition.

Diagnostic Code 8411: Neuralgia of the spinal accessory nerve. Neuralgia cannot be rated higher than moderate, even if it is considered severe. If the condition is moderate, it is rated 10%. There is no rating given for a mild condition.

Diagnostic Code 8104: Paramyoclonus multiplex is a condition where the spinal accessory nerve causes the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and upper body to spasm regularly. If it is severe, it is rated 60%. Moderate is rated 10%, and mild is rated 0%.

The Hypoglossal Nerve

(a.k.a. twelfth cranial nerve) extends from the brain to the tongue. It controls all the movements of the tongue in speech, eating, and swallowing.

A condition of the hypoglossal nerve is rated under one of the following codes with the corresponding ratings.

Diagnostic Code 8212: Paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve. Complete paralysis: If the tongue is unable to move at all, it is rated 50%. Incomplete, severe paralysis is rated 30%. Incomplete, moderate paralysis is rated 10%. There is no rating for mild paralysis.

Diagnostic Code 8312: Neuritis of the hypoglossal nerve. If the condition causes severe symptoms, it is rated 30%. If it causes moderate symptoms, it is rated 10%. No rating is given for a mild condition.

Diagnostic Code 8412: Neuralgia of the hypoglossal nerve. Neuralgia cannot be rated higher than moderate, even if it is considered severe. If the condition is moderate, it is rated 10%. There is no rating given for a mild condition.

How VA Disability Ratings Work - Cranial Nerve Conditions (2024)
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