Free Downloadable Math Tests: Grades 3 PDFs for Comprehensive Classroom Practice (2024)

Table of Contents
Free math test papers for 3-rd grade. Tests on the Topics: “Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 100,” “Multiplication and Division,” “Evaluation of Expressions,” “Order of Operations” What a 3rd-Grade Student Should Know Test №1. “Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 100,” “Solving Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction” Test №2. “Introduction to Multiplication and Division,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division” Test №3. “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4” Test №4. “Order of Operations” Test №5 “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 5, 6, and 7” Test №6. “Solving Word Problems,” “Rules of Bracket Expansion – Order of Operations” Test №7. “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 8 and 9” Test №8. “Order of Operations” Test №9. “Rectangle. Calculating the Area of a Rectangle” Test №10. “Solving Word Problems on Multiplication and Division” Test №11. “Circle, Sphere. Radius and Diameter” Test №12. “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 1)”, “Word Problems” Test №13 (3rd Quarter). “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 2)”, “Word Problems” Test №14 (3rd Quarter). “Numbers from 100 to 1000”, “Word Problems” Test №15. “Oral Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 1000” Test №16. “Written Methods of Addition and Subtraction of Numbers from 1 to 1000” Test №17. “Oral Methods of Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 1000” Test №18. “Written Multiplication by a Single-Digit Number” Test №19. “Written Division by a Single-Digit Number” Preparation for the Test on the Topic: “Numeration of Multidigit Numbers” Preparation for the Exam, Topic: “Addition and Subtraction of Multidigit Numbers” Preparation for the Exam, Topic: “Multiplication and Division of Multidigit Numbers by Single-Digit Numbers” Preparation for the test, topic: “Multiplication and Division of Multidigit Numbers by Single-Digit Numbers” Preparation for the test, topic: TESTS ON THE SUBJECT“MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION OF MULTIDIGIT NUMBERS”

Free math test papers for 3-rd grade. Tests on the Topics: “Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 100,” “Multiplication and Division,” “Evaluation of Expressions,” “Order of Operations”

These tests are designed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for mathematics in primary education and are intended to assess the knowledge of 3rd-grade students. The results obtained during the assessments will help the teacher evaluate the level of material mastery and make adjustments to the teaching process if necessary.

1. What a 3rd-grade student should know.
2. Test #1. “Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 100,” “Solving Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction.”
3. Test #2. “Introduction to Multiplication and Division,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division.”
4. Test #3. “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4.”
5. Test #4. “Order of Operations.”
6. Test #6. “Solving Word Problems,” “Rules of Bracket Expansion – Order of Operations.”
7. Test #7. “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 8 and 9.”
8. Test #8. “Order of Operations.”
9. Test #9. “Rectangle. Calculating the Area of a Rectangle.”
10. Test #10. “Solving Word Problems on Multiplication and Division.”
11. Test #11. “Circle. Radius and Diameter.”
12. Test #12. “Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 1),” “Word Problems.”
13. Test #13 (4th quarter). “Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 2),” “Word Problems.”
14. Test #14 (4th quarter). “Numbers from 100 to 1000,” “Word Problems.”
15. Test #15. “Oral Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 1000.”
16. Test #16. “Written Methods of Addition and Subtraction of Numbers from 1 to 1000.”
17. Test #17. “Oral Methods of Multiplication and Division of Numbers up to 1000.”
18. Test #18. “Written Multiplication by a Single Digit.”
19. Test #19. “Written Division by a Single Digit.”
20. Answers to Tests.
21. Preparation for the Test, Topic: “Enumeration of Multidigit Numbers.”
22. Preparation for the Test, Topic: “Addition and Subtraction of Multidigit Numbers.”
23. Preparation for the Test, Topic: “Multiplication and Division of Multidigit Numbers by a Single Digit.”
24. Preparation for the Test, Topic: “Multiplication and Division of Multidigit Numbers by Multidigit Numbers.”

What a 3rd-Grade Student Should Know

1. Basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A child should know how to add products in a store, subtract the number of remaining candies, multiply the number of tables and chairs in a room, divide a pizza into slices, etc.

2. Understanding the decimal system and positional notation of numbers. A child should understand that each digit in a number has its position and value. For example, in the number 234, the digit 4 is in the ones place, the digit 3 is in the tens place, and the digit 2 is in the hundreds place. This helps the child count and navigate large numbers.

3. Work with fractions and their representation on a number line. A child should be able to divide objects into parts and understand their fractions. For example, if a child has 2 apples, they know it is 2/2 or a whole apple.

4. Measurements and units of measurement. A child should know various units of time (hours, minutes), length (centimeters, meters), mass (kilograms, grams), volume (liters, milliliters), etc. This helps the child compare and estimate the sizes of objects or distances.

5. Multiplication and division tables. A child should know the multiplication table from 1 to 10 and the division table based on real-life examples. For example, multiplying the number of eggs in a carton by their price or dividing the number of mandarins by the number of people to find out how many each person gets.

6. Geometric shapes and their properties. A child should know various geometric shapes such as a triangle, rectangle, square, circle, and understand their features, such as the number of sides or angles each shape has.

7. Working with graphs and diagrams. A child should be able to read and analyze data presented in graphical form, such as a graph showing the number of candies sold each day of the week.

8. Ordering of numbers. A child should be able to compare numbers, determine which number is greater or smaller, and arrange numbers in the correct order.

9. Solving simple problems involving logic and patterns. A child should be able to recognize and create simple mathematical patterns or sequences, such as 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, where the next number is determined by adding the previous one. They should also be able to solve simple logic problems, such as those involving comparison, classification, or determining the correct order of actions.

10. Handling money and making change. A child should know different coins and bills, be able to add and subtract money, make simple calculations with purchases, and handle transactions in a store.

Test №1. “Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 100,” “Solving Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction”

Variant I.

1. Solve the problems mentally and write down the answers.

a) 47 – 3 =c) 18 + 28 =d) 78 – 26 =g) 38 + 34 =
b) 45 – 28 =f) 12 + 36 =e) 99 – 63 =h) 76 + 17 =

2. Solve the problem.

18 first-graders, 46 second-graders, and 25 third-graders went on a summer hike. After 5 hours, 23 second-graders returned. How many people continued the hike?

3. Solve the problems in writing (column method).

a) 27 – 13 =b) 48 + 18 =c) 29 – 9 =d) 15 + 40 =

Variant II.

1. Solve the problems mentally and write down the answers.

a) 45 – 13 =c) 23 + 38 =d) 60 – 16 =g) 29 + 38 =
b) 22 – 21 =f) 39 + 36 =e) 85 – 43 =h) 15 + 57 =

2. Solve the problem.

For the school repair, painters bought 34 cans of white paint, 18 cans of yellow paint, and 12 cans of blue paint. On the first day, they used 13 cans of white paint. How much paint is left?

3. Solve the problems in writing (column method).

a) 99 – 13 =b) 38 + 38 =c) 21 – 19 =d) 85 + 11 =

Answers to Test №1 on the Topics: “Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 100,” “Solving Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction”

Test №2. “Introduction to Multiplication and Division,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division”

Variant I.

1. Circle the even numbers in the given numerical series.

3, 5, 8, 12, 18, 23, 24

2. Replace the sum with the product.

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =

3. It is known that 3 * 4 = 12. Write down the quotients:

12 : 4 = ___
12 : 3 = ___

4. Solve the problem.

Mom planted three rows of carrots. In each row, 5 carrots grew. How many carrots grew in the garden in total?

Variant II.

1. Circle the odd numbers in the given numerical series.

3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19

2. Replace the sum with the product.

6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 =

3. It is known that 5 * 2 = 10. Write down the quotients:

10 : 2 = ___
10 : 5 = ___

4. Solve the problem.

Grandma brought 4 bags of apples from the market. Each bag weighs 2 kg. Find the total weight of all the bags.

Answers to Test №2 on the Topics: “Introduction to Multiplication and Division,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division”

Test №3. “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4”

Variant I.

1. Solve the problem.

Grandma bought 3 pieces of fabric. Each piece is 8 meters. How many meters of fabric did Grandma buy in total?

2. Solve the problem.

Sveta bought 18 candies and divided them equally among her three sisters. How many candies did each sister get?

3. Solve the problems.

a) 7 * 3 =c) 2 * 8 =d) 18 : 3 =g) 8 : 4 =
b) 3 * 8 =f) 5 * 4 =e) 27 : 3 =h) 20 : 4 =

4. Solve the problem.

Four friends came to visit Kolya. Each of them brought 3 chocolates. How many chocolates did the friends bring in total?

Variant II.

1. Solve the problem.

There are 4 rooms in the kindergarten. In each room, there are 5 tables. How many tables are there in the kindergarten in total?

2. Solve the problem.

Grandpa bought 15 gingerbreads at the store and divided them equally among his 3 grandchildren. How many gingerbreads did each grandchild get?

3. Solve the problems.

a) 9 * 3 =c) 4 * 7 =d) 8 * 3 =g) 4 * 5 =
b) 21 : 3 =f) 24 : 4 =e) 12 : 4 =h) 27 : 3 =

4. Solve the problem.

Eight students are attending the club. Each student received 4 grades during the week. How many grades did the students receive in total?

Answers to Test №3 on the Topics: “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4,” “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4”

Test №4. “Order of Operations”

Variant I.

Perform the operations in writing.

1. 16 – 8 + 4 =
2. 3 * 4 – 8 : 2 =
3. 40 : 5 – 4 * 2 =
4. 5 + (18 : 3 – 3) * 2 =

Variant II.

Perform the operations in writing.

1. 12 – 8 + 5 =
2. 4 + 8 * 2 =
3. 27 : 3 – 2 * 4 =
4. 17 – (4 * 3 – 8) * 3 =

Variant III.

Perform the operations in writing.

1. 7 – 4 + 8 =
2. 4 * 6 – 4 : 2 =
3. 40 – 3 + 8 * 3 =
4. (13 + 24 : 6 – 9) : 2 =

Answers to Test №4 on the Topic: “Order of Operations”

Test №5 “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 5, 6, and 7”

Variant I.

Solve the problems.

a) 7 * 5 =c) 2 * 6 =d) 18 : 6 =g) 20 : 5 =
b) 6 * 8 =f) 5 * 7 =e) 24 : 6 =h) 28 : 7 =

Variant II.

Solve the problems:

a) 4 * 7 =c) 2 * 5 =d) 15 : 5 =g) 21 : 7 =
b) 6 * 7 =f) 5 * 6 =e) 25 : 5 =h) 24 : 6 =

Answers to Test №5 on the Topic: “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 5, 6, and 7”

Test №6. “Solving Word Problems,” “Rules of Bracket Expansion – Order of Operations”

Variant I.

1. Solve the problem.

In the competition, there were 5 boys and girls, which was 8 times more than the number of boys. How many girls participated in the competition?

2. Solve the problem.

By how many times is the number 28 greater than the number 7?

3. Solve the problems.

a) 68 – (55 + 20) : 5 =
b) 41 + (68 – 42) * 4 =

4. Write down the expression in numerical form and solve it: “The product of numbers 6 and 5 plus the quotient of numbers 8 and 2”.

Variant II.

1. Solve the problem.

The student made 9 details, and the master made 7 times more details than the student. How many details did the master make?

2. Solve the problem.

By how many times is the number 56 greater than the number 8?

3. Solve the problems.

a) 72 – (34 + 20) : 3 =
b) 48 + (30 – 18) * 4 =

4. Write down the expression in numerical form and solve it: “The difference of numbers 12 and 8 plus the product of numbers 9 and 3.”

Variant III.

1. Solve the problem.

The 2nd-grade students collected 6 kg of waste paper, and the 7th-grade students collected waste paper 8 times more than the 2nd-grade students. How many kg of waste paper did the 7th-grade students collect?

2. Solve the problem.

By how many times is the number 72 greater than the number 9?

3. Solve the problems.

a) 28 – (25 + 10) : 7 =
b) 41 + (35 – 28) * 4 =

4. Write down the expression in numerical form and solve it: “The sum of numbers 6 and 17 minus the product of numbers 2 and 9”.

Answers to Test №6 on the Topics: “Solving Word Problems,” “Rules of Bracket Expansion – Order of Operations”

Test №7. “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 8 and 9”

Variant I.

Solve the problems.

a) 8 * 5 =c) 9 * 6 =d) 18 : 9 =g) 40 : 8 =
b) 6 * 8 =f) 5 * 9 =e) 64 : 8 =h) 72 : 9 =

Variant II.

Solve the problems:

a) 8 * 7 =c) 2 * 9 =d) 72 : 8 =g) 56 : 8 =
b) 8 * 8 =f) 9 * 1 =e) 27 : 9 =h) 32 : 8 =

Answers to Test №7 on the Topic: “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 8 and 9”

Test №8. “Order of Operations”

Variant I.

Solve the equations.

1. 24 + 5 * (28 : 7 – 2) =
2. 46 – (32 – 26) * 2 =
3. 17 + 3 * (45 : 5 + 1) =

Variant II.

Solve the equations.

1. 42 : 6 + (15 – 7) =
2. 90 – (32 – 12) * 4 =
3. 21 + 3 * (15 : 5 + 12) =

Answers to Test №8 on the Topic: “Order of Operations”

Test №9. “Rectangle. Calculating the Area of a Rectangle”

Variant I.

1. The length of the rectangle is 9 cm, the width is 5 cm. Find the area of this rectangle.

2. Draw a rectangle with sides of 3 cm and 4 cm. Find its area.

3. The side of a square is 5 cm. What is the area of the square?

4. Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle shown in the picture.
Free Downloadable Math Tests: Grades 3 PDFs for Comprehensive Classroom Practice (1)

Variant II.

1. The length of the rectangle is 8 cm, the width is 3 cm. Find the area of this rectangle.

2. Draw a rectangle with sides of 2 cm and 7 cm. Find its area.

3. The side of a square is 7 cm. What is the area of the square?

4. Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle shown in the picture.
Free Downloadable Math Tests: Grades 3 PDFs for Comprehensive Classroom Practice (2)

Variant III.

1. The length of the rectangle is 5 cm, the width is 4 cm. Find the area of this rectangle.

2. Draw a rectangle with sides of 7 cm and 8 cm. Find its area.

3. The side of a square is 8 cm. What is the area of the square?

4. Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle shown in the picture.
Free Downloadable Math Tests: Grades 3 PDFs for Comprehensive Classroom Practice (3)

Answers to Test №9 on the Topic: “Rectangle. Calculating the Area of a Rectangle”

Test №10. “Solving Word Problems on Multiplication and Division”

Variant I.

1. Solve the problem.

In the class, there are 15 students. Each of them has 6 textbooks. How many textbooks do the students have in total?

2. Solve the problem.

In one box, there are 6 chocolate bars. How many boxes of chocolate were brought to the store if it is known that a total of 48 chocolate bars were brought?

3. Solve the problem.

In the kindergarten, they brought 5 toy cars and 6 dolls. The cost of a toy car is 12 rubles. And the cost of a doll is 3 rubles more. How much money was brought for toys to the kindergarten?

Variant II.

1. Solve the problem.

During the day, a tailor sews 20 gloves. How many gloves will he sew in 5 days?

2. Solve the problem.

In 8 days, a worker machined 72 parts on the machine. How many parts did he make in one day?

3. Solve the problem.

In the school cafeteria, they brought 8 packs of sugar and 6 packs of groats, and in each pack, there are 7 kg of sugar or groats. How many kilograms of sugar and groats were brought to the school cafeteria in total?

Variant III.

1. Solve the problem.

A truck transports 12 tons of cargo in one trip. How many tons of cargo will it transport in 8 trips?

2. Solve the problem.

Eight kids collected a total of 80 kg of waste paper. How many kilograms of waste paper did each of them collect?

3. Solve the problem.

In a roll, there are 67 m of fabric. To sew 3 dresses, 12 m of fabric are needed. How many meters of fabric will remain in the roll if 15 dresses are sewn?

Answers to Test №10 on the Topic: “Solving Word Problems on Multiplication and Division”

Test №11. “Circle, Sphere. Radius and Diameter”

Variant I.

Draw a circle on paper and complete the tasks.

1. Draw and measure the radius of the circle.

2. Draw the diameter of the circle. What is the diameter?

3. Shade one-third of the circle.

Variant II.

Draw a circle on paper and complete the tasks.

1. Draw and measure the radius of the circle.

2. Draw three diameters of the circle. What is the diameter?

3. Shade one-fourth of the circle.

Variant III.

Draw a circle on paper and complete the tasks.

1. Draw and measure the radius of the circle.

2. Draw two diameters of the circle. What is the diameter?

3. Shade one-sixth of the circle.

Test №12. “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 1)”, “Word Problems”

Variant I.

1. Solve the problems:

a) 21 * 3 =c) 18 * 4 =e) 13 * 5 =
b) 45 : 5 =d) 64 : 4 =f) 81 : 3 =

2. Solve the problem.

In the class, there are 28 students. One-fourth of the class is engaged in a sports section, and in the music club, there are three times more children than in the sports section. How many students in the class are engaged in the music club?

Variant II.

1. Solve the problems.

a) 25 * 3 =c) 16 * 4 =e) 18 * 5 =
b) 65 : 5 =d) 84 : 4 =f) 93 : 3 =

2. Solve the problem.

During the day, a worker makes 33 parts, and his apprentice makes a third fewer parts than the worker. How many parts will the apprentice make in 4 days?

Variant III.

1. Solve the problems:

a) 22 * 3 =c) 17 * 4 =e) 13 * 5 =
b) 75 : 5 =d) 96 : 4 =f) 69 : 3 =

2. Solve the problem.

In one day, the students of the 3rd grade collect 48 kg of berries, and the students of the 2nd grade collect a quarter less berries than the students of the 3rd grade. How many kilograms of berries will the students of the 2nd grade collect in 3 days?

Answers to Test №12 on the Topic: “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 1)”, “Word Problems”

Test №13 (3rd Quarter). “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 2)”, “Word Problems”

Variant I.

1. Solve the problems.

a) 31 * 3 – 56 : 8 =c) 68 – 51 : 3 * 4 =
b) 33 * 2 – 32 : 4 =d) 4 * 17 – 39 : 3 =

2. Solve the problem.

A tourist group consists of 35 boys and 40 girls. They were accommodated in 3 hotels. How many children were accommodated in each hotel if it is known that there are an equal number of them in each hotel.

3. Solve the equation: 24 : X = 8.

Variant II.

1. Solve the problems.

a) 33 * 3 – 48 : 4 =c) 69 – 56 : 4 * 2 =
b) 81 : 3 – 76 : 4 =d) 5 * 17 – 27 : 3 =

2. Solve the problem.

In 5 packages, there are 2 kg of oranges and 6 kg of tangerines. How many kilograms of oranges and tangerines are there in all packages?

3. Solve the equation: X * 16 = 64.

Variant III.

1. Solve the problems.

a) 28 * 3 – 48 : 4 =c) 88 – 93 : 3 – 24 =
b) 18 * 4 – 72 : 4 =d) 5 * 18 – 63 : 3 =

2. Solve the problem.

A kilogram of apples costs 5 rubles, and a kilogram of pears costs 8 rubles. How much does the entire purchase cost if 6 kg of apples and 2 kg of pears are bought?

3. Solve the equation: 49 : Y = 7.

Answers to Test №13 on the Topic: “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 2)”, “Word Problems”

Test №14 (3rd Quarter). “Numbers from 100 to 1000”, “Word Problems”

Variant I.

1. Represent the following numerical expressions in digital form.

a) Three hundred forty-five ___________c) Five hundred ___________
b) Seven hundred three _________d) Eight hundred fifteen ____________

2. Compare the numbers by putting the sign < or >.

a) 485 … 458
b) 209 … 219

3. Create a correct equation.

a) 294 cm = ____ m_____cm
b) 21 cm = _____ d _____mm

Variant II.

1. Represent the following numerical expressions in digital form.

a) Seven hundred thirty-four ___________c) Eight hundred two ___________
b) Seven hundred _________d) Three hundred thirteen ____________

2. Compare the numbers by putting the sign < or >.

a) 102 … 201
b) 685 … 658

3. Create a correct equation.

a) 51 mm = _____ cm_______ mm
b) 14 dm 4 cm = _______ mm

Variant III.

1. Represent the following numerical expressions in digital form.

a) Six hundred fourteen ___________c) Nine hundred ___________
b) Four hundred two _________d) Two hundred fourteen ____________

2. Compare the numbers by putting the sign < or >.

a) 317 … 371
b) 503 … 530

3. Create a correct equation.

a) 31 cm = _____ cm _______ mm
b) 3 m 6 cm = _______ dm______ mm

Answers to Test №14 on the Topic: “Numbers from 100 to 1000”, “Word Problems”

Test №15. “Oral Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 1000”

Variant I.

1. Solve the examples mentally and write down the answer.

a) 320 – 280 =d) 420 + 20 =
b) 840 – 50 =e) 650 + 13 =
c) 720 – 10=f) 230 + 30=
g) 340 – 50 =h) 180 + 40 =

2. Solve the problem.

240 packages of apple juice and 580 packages of orange juice were delivered to the store. There were large and small packages of juice. How many small juice packages were delivered to the store if it is known that 380 large packages were delivered?

3. Solve the problem.

The grocery store is open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the pharmacy is open from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and the hairdresser is open from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. During what time are all three establishments open?

Variant II.

1. Solve the examples mentally and write down the answer.

a) 670 – 50 =d) 760 + 50 =
b) 720 – 30 =e) 360 + 40 =
c) 380 – 70 =f) 230 + 80 =
g) 630 – 40 =h) 190 + 40 =

2. Solve the problem.

260 paper bags and 520 plastic bags were brought to the market, including both large and small bags. How many small bags were brought if it is known that 430 large bags were brought?

3. Solve the problem.

The school is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the sports hall is open from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and the library is open from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. During what time are all three establishments open?

Variant III.

1. Solve the examples mentally and write down the answer.

a) 980 – 50 =d) 720 + 70 =
b) 520 – 80 =e) 370 + 80 =
c) 310 – 20 =f) 130 + 30 =
g) 718 – 21 =h) 140 – 140 =

2. Solve the problem.

300 Nokia mobile phones and 150 Samsung mobile phones were delivered to the store. All mobile phones were of 2 colors: black and red. How many black mobile phones were delivered to the store if it is known that 49 red phones were delivered?

3. Solve the problem.

The club is open from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., the cafeteria is open from 09:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and the library is open from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. During what time are all three establishments open?

Answers to Test №15 on the Topic: “Oral Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 1000”

Test №16. “Written Methods of Addition and Subtraction of Numbers from 1 to 1000”

Variant I.

1. Solve the examples in writing in columns.

a) 428 – 180 =d) 320 + 520 =
b) 482 – 150 =e) 744 + 213 =
c) 573 – 270=f) 590 + 230=
g) 473 – 70 =h) 394 + 56 =

Variant II.

1. Solve the examples in writing in columns.

a) 428 – 254 =d) 726 + 12 =
b) 377 – 143 =e) 863 + 137 =
c) 678 – 611=f) 364 + 543=
g) 611 – 45 =h) 526 + 256 =

Variant III.

1. Solve the examples in writing in columns.

a) 723 – 440 =d) 498 + 186 =
b) 765 – 65 =e) 324 + 653 =
c) 425 – 280=f) 308 + 450=
g) 424 – 66 =h) 384 + 156 =

Answers to Test №16 on the Topic: “Written Methods of Addition and Subtraction of Numbers from 1 to 1000”

Test №17. “Oral Methods of Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 1000”

Variant I.

1. Solve the examples orally.

a) 420 * 2 =d) 320 * 3 =
b) 302 * 3 =e) 270 * 2 =
c) 640 : 4 =f) 540 : 3 =
g) 360 : 3 =h) 600 : 2 =

Variant II.

1. Solve the examples orally.

a) 210 * 3 =d) 340 * 2 =
b) 209 * 2 =e) 120 * 5 =
c) 840 : 4 =f) 690 : 3 =
g) 480 : 4 =h) 340 : 2 =

Variant III.

1. Solve the examples orally.

a) 250 * 3 =d) 280 * 2 =
b) 304 * 2 =e) 200 * 5 =
c) 420 : 3 =f) 550 : 5 =
g) 306 : 3 =h) 320 : 2 =

Answers to Test №17 on the Topic: “Oral Methods of Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 1000”

Test №18. “Written Multiplication by a Single-Digit Number”

Variant I.

1. Perform multiplication in columns.

a) 245 * 3 =d) 292 * 3 =
b) 224 * 4 =e) 126 * 5 =
c) 64 * 6 =f) 54 * 7 =
g) 105 * 8 =h) 35 * 9 =

2. The side length of a square is 37 cm. Find the perimeter of the square.

Variant II.

1. Solve the examples in writing in columns.

a) 376 * 2 =d) 265 * 3 =
b) 255 * 3 =e) 176 * 5 =
c) 84 * 6 =f) 63 * 9 =
g) 48 * 5 =h) 127 * 4 =

2. The side length of a triangle is 16 mm. Find the perimeter of the triangle.

Variant III.

1. Solve the examples in writing in columns.

a) 278 * 2 =d) 240 * 3 =
b) 124 * 4 =e) 59 * 8 =
c) 70 * 7 =f) 59 * 9 =
g) 8 * 6 =h) 204 * 4 =

2. The side length of a square is 1 cm 4 mm. Find the perimeter of the square.

Answers to Test №18 on the Topic: “Written Multiplication by a Single-Digit Number”

Test №19. “Written Division by a Single-Digit Number”

Variant I.

Perform division in columns:

a) 345 : 5 =c) 492 : 2 =
b) 618 : 3 =d) 824 : 4 =

Variant II.

Perform division in columns.

a) 495 : 5 =c) 692 : 2 =
b) 954 : 3 =d) 648 : 4 =

Variant III.

Perform division in columns:

a) 275 : 5 =c) 286 : 2 =
b) 312 : 3 =d) 456 : 4 =

Answers to Test №1 on the Topic: “Written Division by a Single-Digit Number”

Answers to Test №1 on the Topics: “Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 100”, “Solving Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction”
Variant I.
1. a) 44; b) 17; c) 46; d) 48; e) 52; f) 36; g) 72; h) 93.
2. 66 people.
3. a) 14; b) 66; c) 20; d) 55.
Variant II.
1. a) 32; b) 1; c) 61; d) 75; e) 44; f) 42; g) 67; h) 72.
2. 51 banks.
3. a) 86; b) 76; c) 2; d) 96.

Answers to Test №2 on the Topics: “Introduction to Multiplication and Division”, “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division”
Variant I.
1. 8, 12, 18, 24.
2. 5*6.
3. 3, 4.
4. 15 carrots.
Variant II.
1. 3, 7, 9, 15, 19.
2. 6*5.
3. 5, 2.
4. 8 kg.

Answers to Test №3 on the Topics: “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4”, “Word Problems on Multiplication and Division by Numbers 3 and 4”
Variant I.
1. 24 m.
2. 6 candies.
3. a) 21; b) 24; c) 16; d) 20; e) 6; f) 9; g) 2; h) 5.
4. 12 chocolates.
Variant II.
1. 20 tables.
2. 5 gingerbreads.
3. a) 27; b) 7; c) 28; d) 6; e) 24; f) 3; g) 20; h) 9.
4. 32 grades.

Answers to Test №4 on the Topic: “Order of Operations”
Variant I.
1. 12.
2. 8.
3. 0.
4. 11.
Variant II.
1. 9.
2. 20.
3. 1.
4. 5.
Variant III.
1. 11.
2. 22.
3. 61.
4. 4.

Answers to Test №5 on the Topic: “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 5, 6, and 7”
Variant I.
1. a) 35; b) 48; c) 12; d) 35; e) 3; f) 4; g) 4; h) 4.
Variant II.
1. a) 28; b) 42; c) 10; d) 30; e) 3; f) 5; g) 3; h) 4.

Answers to Test №6 on the Topics: “Solving Word Problems”, “Rules of Bracket Expansion – Order of Operations”
Variant I.
1. 13 girls.
2. 4 times.
3. a) 53; b) 155.
4. 6*5+8:2=34.
Variant II.
1. 63 parts.
2. 7 times.
3. a) 54; b) 96.
4. 12-8+(9*3)=31.
Variant III.
1. 48 kg.
2. 8 times.
3. a) 17; b) 69.
4. 6+17-2*9=5.

Answers to Test №7 on the Topic: “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 8 and 9”
Variant I.
1. a) 40; b) 48; c) 54; d) 45; e) 2; f) 8; g) 5; h) 8.
Variant II.
1. a) 56; b) 64; c) 18; d) 9; e) 9; f) 3; g) 7; h) 4.

Answers to Test №8 on the Topic: “Multiplication and Division by Numbers 8 and 9”
Variant I.
1. 34.
2. 34.
3. 47.
Variant II.
1. 15.
2. 10.
3. 66.

Answers to Test №9 on the Topic: “Rectangle. Determining the Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle”
Variant I.
1. 45 cm2.
2. 12 cm2.
3. 25 cm2.
4. 34 cm, 42 cm2.
Variant II.
1. 24 cm2.
2. 14 cm2.
3. 49 cm2.
4. 34 cm, 60 cm2.
Variant III.
1. 20 cm2.
2. 56 cm2.
3. 64 cm2.
4. 50 cm, 126 cm2.

Answers to Test №10 on the Topic: “Solving Word Problems on Multiplication and Division”
Variant I.
1. 90 textbooks.
2. 8 boxes.
3. 150 rubles.
Variant II.
1. 100 gloves.
2. 9 parts.
3. 98 kg.
Variant III.
1. 96 tons.
2. 10 kg.
3. 7 m.

Answers to Test №12 on the Topics: “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division by Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 1)”, “Word Problems”
Variant I.
1. a) 63; b) 9; c) 72; d) 16; e) 65; f) 27.
2. 21 students.
Variant II.
1. a) 75; b) 13; c) 64; d) 21; e) 40; f) 31.
2. 44 parts.
Variant III.
1. a) 66; b) 15; c) 68; d) 24; e) 65; f) 23.
2. 36 kg.

Answers to Test №13 on the Topics: “Non-Tabular Multiplication and Division by Numbers from 1 to 100 (Part 2)”, “Word Problems”
Variant I.
1. a) 86; b) 48; c) 0; d) 55.
2. 25 people.
3. X=3.
Variant II.
1. a) 87; b) 8; c) 37; d) 76.
2. 40 kg.
3. X=4.
Variant III.
1. a) 42; b) 54; c) 33; d) 19.
2. 46 kg.
3. Y=7.

Answers to Test №14 on the Topics: “Numbers from 100 to 1000”, “Word Problems”
Variant I.
1. a) 345; b) 703; c) 500; d) 815.
2. a) 485 > 458; b) 209 < 219.
3. a) 294 cm = 2 m 94 cm; b) 21 cm = 2 dm 10 mm.
Variant II.
1. a) 734; b) 700; c) 802; d) 313.
2. a) 102 < 201; b) 685 > 658.
3. a) 51 mm = 5 cm 1 mm; b) 14 dm 4 cm = 1440 mm.
Variant III.
1. a) 614; b) 402; c) 900; d) 214.
2. a) 317 < 371; b) 503 < 530.
3. a) 31 cm = 30 cm 10 mm; b) 3 m 6 cm = 30 dm 60 mm.

Answers to Test №15 on the Topic: “Oral Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 1000”
Variant I.
1. a) 40; b) 790; c) 710; d) 290; e) 440; f) 663; g) 260; h) 220.
2. 440 pieces.
3. From 11:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Variant II.
1. a) 620; b) 690; c) 310; d) 590; e) 810; f) 400; g) 310; h) 230.
2. 350 pieces.
3. From 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Variant III.
1. a) 930; b) 440; c) 290; d) 697; e) 790; f) 450; g) 160; h) 0.
2. 401 pieces.
3. From 12:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Answers to Test №16 on the Topic: “Oral Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 1000”
Variant I.
1. a) 248; b) 332; c) 303; d) 403; e) 840; f) 957; g) 820; h) 450.
Variant II.
1. a) 174; b) 234; c) 67; d) 566; e) 738; f) 1000; g) 907; h) 782.
Variant III.
1. a) 283; b) 700; c) 145; d) 358; e) 684; f) 877; g) 758; h) 540.

Answers to Test №17 on the Topic: “Oral Techniques of Multiplication and Division of Numbers from 1 to 1000”
Variant I.
1. a) 840; b) 906; c) 160; d) 120; e) 960; f) 540; g) 180; h) 300.
Variant II.
1. a) 630; b) 418; c) 210; d) 120; e) 680; f) 600; g) 230; h) 170.
Variant III.
1. a) 750; b) 608; c) 140; d) 102; e) 560; f) 1000; g) 110; h) 160.

Answers to Test №18 on the Topic: “Written Multiplication by a Single-Digit Number”
Variant I.
1. a) 735; b) 896; c) 384; d) 840; e) 876; f) 630; g) 378; h) 315.
2. 148 cm.
Variant II.
1. a) 752; b) 765; c) 504; d) 240; e) 795; f) 880; g) 567; h) 508.
2. 48 cm.
Variant III.
1. a) 556; b) 496; c) 490; d) 48; e) 720; f) 472; g) 531; h) 816.
2. 5 cm 6 mm.

Answers to Test №19 on the Topic: “Written Division by a Single-Digit Number”
Variant I.
1. a) 69; b) 206; c) 246; d) 206.
Variant II.
1. a) 99; b) 318; c) 346; d) 162.
Variant III.
1. a) 55; b) 104; c) 143; d) 114.

Preparation for the Test on the Topic: “Numeration of Multidigit Numbers”

The aim of the tasks is to check the ability of children to read and write multidigit numbers; assimilate the concepts of digits and classes; knowledge of the natural sequence of numbers, especially in places of transition from one digit or class to another; ability to express quantities in large or small units.

First Task

Variant 1
1. Which number is greater: 127,259 or 97,735?
2. Write down between which numbers the number 100,000 is located.
3. Write down the number that contains:
1) 572 units of the second class and 863 units of the first class;
2) 6 units of the third class, 18 units of the second class, and 18 units of the first class.
4. Write the number 5314 as the sum of its digit addends.
5. How many tens does the number 642,396 contain in total?
6. Write down all the numbers from 9994 to 10,003.
7. Express: 374,007 — in units; 345,600 m — in kilometers; 56 t — in kilograms.

Variant 2
1. Which of the two numbers is greater: 87,085 or 87,058?
2. Write down all the numbers from 9999 to 10,004 in the order in which they are named during counting.
3. Write the values of the following expressions:
4. How many tens of thousands does the number 147,935 contain in total?
5. Using the digits 6 and 5, write all possible three-digit numbers. Which of them is the largest? Write it as the sum of digit addends.
6. Express: 362 hectare 4 units — in units; 8,767 m — in kilometers and meters; 4 t 9 kg — in kilograms.

Second Task

Variant 1
1. Write down the numbers in digits: two thousand six; sixty-five thousand twelve; one hundred eight thousand five.
2. Fill in the missing numbers: 700,000 … 699,998.
3. Write down the number that consists of:
1) 400 units of the third class and 40 units of the first class;
2) 63 units of the second class and 178 units of the first class.
4. Compare:
2009 and 2090
705 mm and 7 dm 5 mm
7800 and 78,000

Variant 2
1. Write down the numbers in digits: seven hundred two hundred; thirty-three thousand eight; one hundred five thousand eight.
2. Fill in the missing numbers: 39,996 … 40,001.
3. Write down the number that consists of:
1) 42 units of the second class and 50 units of the first class;
2) 8 units of the 5th digit.
4. Replace large units with smaller ones:
5 km = … m; 6 t = … kg; 5 kg = … g.

Third Task

Variant 1
1. Write down three different six-digit numbers using only the digits 5, 0, 7; underline the largest among the written numbers.
2. Write the number that contains:
1) 500 units of the third class, 50 units of the second class, and 5 units of the first class.
2) 6 units of the second class and 172 units of the first class.
3. Write two numbers: one that follows the number 10,000; the other that precedes it.
4. How many hundreds are there in the number 5876 in total?
5. Insert the missing numbers:
18 km = … m; 7200 t = … t.
4500 dm = … m; 1260 cm = … m … dm.

Variant 2
1. Using the digits 2, 5, 9, write three different five-digit numbers; underline the smallest among the written numbers (digits can be repeated).
2. Continue the number series (write another five numbers in each series):
25400, 26400, 27,400 …; 7520, 7420, 7320 ….
3. Write the values of the following expressions:
999+1 =
29999+1 100,000—2
4. Express:
67 tens = … units 9 kg = … g 38 hundreds = … units 9 tons = … cwt

5. Subtract the largest four-digit number from the smallest six-digit number.

Fourth Task
Arithmetic Dictation
1. Write the numbers: 325648; 74,073; 300,009; 1,308,540.
2. Write the number that precedes the number 3000.
3. Write the number that follows the number 2099.
4. Write the smallest five-digit number.
5. Write the largest six-digit number.
6. Write five numbers counting backwards from 30,002.
7. Represent the number 1832 as a sum of place values.
8. Increase the number 574 by 1000 times.
9. Express in kilograms: 3 tons 45 kg; 4 cwt 08 kg,
10. How many digits are in the numbers: 12,345; 100,305?
11. From which number should one subtract one to get 1000?
How many tens are there in the number 87,232?

Preparation for the Exam, Topic: “Addition and Subtraction of Multidigit Numbers”

First Task
Variant 1
1. From the library at home, 715 people take books, of which 327 are adults, teenagers are 98 more than adults, and the remaining readers are children. How many children take books from the library at home?
2. Find the difference:
16 km 810 m and 9 km 930 m, 401,820 and 295,982.
3. Find the sum:
86,726 and 539,097, 2 kg 298 g and 9 kg 880 g
4. Calculate the values of the expressions in a convenient way:
10,038 – (8541 + 238) 359 + 263 + 641 + 737
5. Perform the actions:
3408 – 2945 5049 + 30,758
7004 – 3495 27 881 + 19,945

Variant 2
1. On Sunday, 917 people visited the museum, of which 475 were adults, 148 fewer teenagers than adults, and the rest were children. How many children visited the museum?
2. Find the sum:
52,019 and 3109; 2 T 060 kg and 1 T 890 kg
3. Find the difference:
80,500 and 1408 138 m 36 cm and 88 m 19 cm
4. Calculate the values of the expressions in a convenient way:
12,312 – 9850 – 1612 790 + 230 + 210

Second Task
Variant 1
1. From one plot, they collected 986 kg of carrots, 198 kg less from the second than from the first, and 483 kg more from the third than from the second. How many kilograms of carrots were collected from three plots?
2. Perform the actions:
120,374 — 81,509 98,306 + 404,749
8. Perform the action and check:
15 tons 382 kg — 7 tons 308 kg
1. Solve the equation:
460 + (x — 137) = 583

Variant 2
1. On one warehouse, there were 976 tons of flour, 657 tons more on the second than on the first, and 208 tons less on the third than on the second. How many tons of flour are there in three warehouses?
2. Perform the actions:
835,723 — 96,241 11,877 + 3,464
3. Perform the action and check:
12 km 472 m — 8 km 864 m
4. Solve the equation:
x + 552 = 5143 — 1358

Third Task
Arithmetic Dictation
1. The sum of two numbers is 570, one of them is 180. Find the other number.
2. The first addend is 345, the second is 103. What is their sum?
3. One number is 96, and another is 8 more. What is the other number?
4. Find the difference between the numbers 810 and 490.
5. The minuend is 52, the difference is 17. What is the subtrahend?
6. How much is the sum of the numbers 540 and 460 greater than the difference of the same numbers?

Variant 1
1. Perform subtraction and check with addition: 200,000 – 85,476; 7428 – 6739.
2. Perform addition and check in two ways (addition and subtraction): 225,108 + 508,335.
3. One milkmaid milked 175 liters of milk in a day, which is 27 liters less than another. How many liters of milk did the other milkmaid milk?

Variant 2
1. Perform subtraction and check with addition: 30,207 — 14,538; 800,100 – 715,472.
2. Perform addition and check in two ways: 17,823 + 32,277.
3. In the plot of the forest, there were 198 birches, which was 75 more than oaks. How many oaks were growing in the plot?

Fourth Task
Arithmetic Dictation
1. Find the sum of the numbers: 140 and 250.
2. One addend is 67, and the other is 433. Find the sum.
3. The unknown number was reduced by 60, and the result was 90. Find the unknown number.< br />
4. The minuend is 85, the difference is 70. Find the subtrahend.
5. How much is 400 more than 120? How much is 900 g less than 1 kg 200 g?
6. The unknown number was increased by 35 and became 170. Find the unknown number.

Variant 1
1. Find the unknown number:
x – 4041 = 2368 10,801 — x = 3807
2. Perform the actions:
7320 — 5653 26 rub. 28 kopecks + 14 rub. 76 kopecks.
50,054 – 9875 56,785 + 5748
3. Write down the expression and find its value: subtract the sum of the numbers 60874 and 207119 from the number 356713.
4. The length of the rectangle is 45 dm, the width is 22 dm less than the length. Calculate the sum of the sides of the rectangle.

Variant 2
1. Find the unknown number:
x — 12,201 = 16,799 20,305 — 15,308
2. Perform the actions:
40,200 — 29,317 125,204 + 407,108
53,247 — 1358 4 km 275 m — 2 km 835 m
3. Write down the expression and find its value: subtract the number 30,446 from the sum of the numbers 27,912 and 120,534.
4. The width of the rectangle is 28 cm, the length is 57 cm more than the width. Calculate the sum of the sides of the rectangle.

Fifth Task
Variant 1
1. At the harvesting point on the first day, 1297 tons of grain were brought, on the second day 207 tons less than on the first, and on the third day 15 tons more than on the second day. How many tons of grain were brought on the third day? How many tons of grain were brought in three days?
2. Perform subtraction and check in two ways:
205,104 — 87,407
3. Find the unknown number: x — 12,447 = 20,100.
4. Calculate in a convenient way: 73 km + 189 km + 227 km.
5. Perform the actions:
12,371 – (5428 + 1371)

Variant 2
1. Schoolchildren took on the obligation to plant trees along the highway for three days for 1 km. On the first day, trees were planted along 227 m, on the second day 318 m, on the third day 97 m more than on the second. Did the schoolchildren fulfill their obligation?
2. Perform addition and check in two ways:
235,279 + 264,921
3. Find the unknown number:
23,168 — x = 15,276
4. Calculate in a convenient way:
12 km 315 m — 9 km 850 m — 1 km 315 m
5. Perform the actions:
2077 + (1356 – 477)

Sixth Task
Arithmetic Dictation
1. Add 208 and 8; find the sum of the numbers 297 and 380.
2. Subtract 7 from 501; find the difference between 501 and 27.
3. Calculate the sum of the numbers in a convenient way: 1475 + 483 + 25. (Numbers are written on the board.)
4. The sum of two numbers is 500. What will happen to the sum if one addend is reduced by 85, and the other is left unchanged?
5. After spending 13 rubles, mom has 6 rubles less than she spent. How much money did mom have?
6. In two bags, there are 62 nuts each. From the first bag, 19 nuts were taken, and from the second, as many as remained in the first. How many nuts are left in the two bags?

Sixth Task
Arithmetic Dictation
1. Add 208 and 8; find the sum of numbers 297 and 380.
2. Subtract 7 from 501; find the difference between 501 and 27.
3. Calculate the sum of numbers conveniently: 1475 + 483 + 25. (Numbers are written on the board.)
4. The sum of two numbers is 500. What will happen to the sum if one addend is reduced by 85, and the other is left unchanged?
5. After spending 13 rubles, mom had 6 rubles less than she spent. How much money did mom have initially?
6. In two bags, there are 62 nuts each. From the first bag, 19 nuts were taken, and from the second, as many as remained in the first. How many nuts are left in the two bags?

Seventh Task
Variant 1
1. There were 986 centners of potatoes in the warehouse. One store received 455 centners, and the second received 127 centners less than the first. How many centners of potatoes are left in the warehouse?
2. The mass of the spacecraft “Vostok” is 4 tons 731 kg, which is 3 tons 259 kg less than the mass of the first spacecraft in the world. Determine the mass of the first spacecraft.

Variant 2
1. There were 4 tons of sugar sand in the warehouse. One store sent 1265 kg, and the second store sent 375 kg more. How many kilograms of sugar sand are left in the warehouse?
2. The livestock brigade of the collective farm harvested 732 tons of feed with a plan of 375 tons. By how many tons did the brigade exceed the plan for feed harvesting?

Eighth Task
1. Write down all the segments that you noticed on drawing 11.
2. Draw a right angle using a drafting triangle. Denote its vertex as O, mark off the segment OV = 5 cm on one side, and the segment OA=4 cm on the other side. Connect points K and B with a segment. Find the perimeter of triangle KOV.

Preparation for the Exam, Topic: “Multiplication and Division of Multidigit Numbers by Single-Digit Numbers”

The aim of the tasks is to assess students’ understanding of written multiplication and division methods for multidigit numbers by single-digit numbers and their ability to solve problems that involve multiplication and division.

First Task
Variant 1
1. Youth from an experimental plot harvested 852 kg of tomatoes, and from a regular plot, it was three times less than from the experimental one. They arranged half of all tomatoes into crates, with 8 kg in each. How many crates were needed?
2. Perform the following actions:
16,384-4 22 m 35 cm-6
919,884:7 2 km 361 m:3
80,122+53 433-6-218
3. Find the unknown number: x:3—18 = 12.

Variant 2
1. On one apiary, they obtained 567 kg of honey, and on another one, it was twice as much. They poured one-seventh of the honey obtained from the second apiary into 9 identical cans. How many kilograms of honey were poured into each can?
2. Perform the following actions:
36,452-4 12 rubles 18 kopecks-5
3,546:9 7 tons 008 kg:8
307,975—27 648:8+253
3. Find the unknown number: a x 5 + 80 = 690,

Second Task
Variant 1
1. In a workshop, there were 144 m of fabric. A part of this fabric was used to sew 12 dresses, using 4 m for each dress. How many times less fabric was used than remained?
2. Students gathered 864 kg of potatoes on their plot. They evenly distributed one-third of these potatoes into 6 sacks. How many kilograms were put into each sack?
Variant 2
1. They brought 15 boxes of grapes to a stall, with 9 kg in each box. Before lunch break, they sold 90 kg. How many times more grapes were sold than remained?
2. A sewing factory had 1320 m of woolen fabric. One-fifth of the total fabric was used to make men’s coats, using 3 m for each coat. How many men’s coats were sewn at the factory?

Third Task
Variant 1
1. Perform the following actions:
3,074-7 84,630:7 1656×3
6 km 054 m-4 1584:9 861:8
2. Solve the equation: x-8+120=280.
3. Write down all the numerical values of the letters for which the inequality a-6<42 is true.
Variant 2
1. Perform the following actions:
8,635-6 32,640:8
36,600-7 1 ton 020 kg:4
2. Solve the equation: x:6—36=24.
3. Write down all the numerical values for which the inequality 40:b>5 is true.

Preparation for the test, topic: “Multiplication and Division of Multidigit Numbers by Single-Digit Numbers”

The aim of the tasks is to assess students’ understanding of the methods of written multiplication and division of multidigit numbers by single-digit numbers, their ability to solve problems involving multiplication and division.

First Task
Variant 1
1. Scouts from the experimental area harvested 852 kg of tomatoes, while from the regular area, it was three times less than from the experimental area. They placed half of all tomatoes in boxes, 8 kg each. How many boxes were needed?
2. Perform the following actions:
16384-4 22 m 35 cm-6
919884:7 2 km 361 m:3
80122+53 433-6-218
3. Find the unknown number: x:3—18 = 12.

Variant 2
1. On one apiary, they obtained 567 kg of honey, and on another, it was twice as much. They poured one-seventh of the honey obtained on the second apiary into 9 identical containers. How many kilograms of honey were poured into each container?
2. Perform the following actions:
36 452-4 12 rub. 18 kopecks-5
3546:9 7 tons 008 kg:8
307 975—27 648:8+253
3. Find the unknown number: a x 5+80=690,

Second Task
Variant 1
1. In the workshop, there were 144 meters of fabric. Part of this fabric was used to sew 12 dresses, using 4 meters for each. By how much is the material used less than what remains?
2. Schoolchildren collected 864 kg of potatoes on their plot. One-third of this potatoes were evenly distributed into 6 bags. How many kilograms were put in each bag?
Variant 2
1. 15 boxes of grapes were delivered to the stall, 9 kg in each box. Before lunch break, 90 kg were sold. By how many times more grapes were sold than remained?
2. The sewing factory had 1320 meters of woolen fabric. One-fifth of the entire fabric was used to make men’s coats, using 3 meters for each. How many men’s coats were made at the factory?

Third Task
Variant 1
1. Perform the following actions:
3074-7 84630:7 1656×3
6 km 054 m-4 1584:9 861:8
2. Solve the equation: x-8+120=280.
3. Write all the numerical values of the letters for which the inequality a-6<42 is true.
Variant 2
1. Perform the following actions:
8635-6 32640:8
36600-7 1 ton 020 kg:4
2. Solve the equation: x:6—36=24.
3. Write all the numerical values for which the inequality is true: 40:b>5.

Preparation for the test, topic: TESTS ON THE SUBJECT

The aim of the tasks is to assess skills in written multiplication and division by multidigit numbers; the ability to solve problems, including problems involving proportional division and opposing movement.
First Task
Variant 1
1. One freight train was traveling at a speed of 43 km per hour and covered 1634 km, while another was traveling at a speed of 42 km per hour and covered 1680 km. How many hours was the second train on the road longer than the first?
2. Perform the following actions:
103+984 574:82-3118 35 948:76
567-83 807-209
Variant 2
1. The distance between Moscow and Astrakhan is 1560 km. A freight train covered this distance in 39 hours. In how many hours will an express train, which has a speed 38 km per hour faster than the freight train, cover this distance?
2. Perform the following actions:
986+994 994:49—2428 497-56
Second Task
Variant 1
1. Perform the following actions:
101 808:12 3751-204 79 218:978 8073-153
45 376:64 305-208 454 608:902 88 352-88
2. In the collective farm garden, they collected 3012 kg of apples. Part of the apples was packed evenly into 96 boxes. After that, 324 kg of apples remained unpacked. How many kilograms of apples were put in each box?
Variant 2
1. Perform the following actions:
100 352:16 135 864:333 48-307 40 157-24
47 235:67 18 483:101 784-459 36 138-126
2. There were 1565 parcels at the post office. When some of the parcels were taken away on 3 cars, each equally, there were 209 parcels left at the post office. How many parcels were loaded into each car?
Third Task
Variant 1
1. From one plot, they collected 25 sacks of onions, and from another, 19 sacks of the same onions. Moreover, 360 kg less onions were collected from the second plot than from the first. How many kilograms of onions were collected from each plot?
2. Perform the following actions:
367-85 207-105 2 km:100m
35 948:76 235 480:58 7 m 35 cm-8
3. Solve the equation 100-x= 1080-10
Variant 2
1. In one piece, there were 12 meters of woolen fabric, and in another, 17 meters of the same fabric. The second piece cost 120 rubles more than the first. How much did each piece of fabric cost?
2. Perform the following actions:
834-57 197 120:64 4 centners 80 kg: 16
22 824:36 308-109 3 centners 02 kg-12
3. Solve the equation x-50= 120-5

Fourth Task
Variant 1
1. Two trains departed simultaneously towards each other from two cities, the distance between which is 644 km. The speed of one train is 48 km per hour. Find the speed of the other train, knowing that the trains met after 7 hours.
2. Perform the following actions:
65,520:28 18,360:765
32,383-62 467 rub. 82 kopecks:23
30,122+654 222-2-117 12 m 65 cm-6
3. Draw a rectangle with a length of 9 cm and a width of 6 cm. Calculate the area.
Variant 2
1. The distance along the river between two cities is 295 km. From these cities, a steamboat and a motorboat set off towards each other at the same time. The steamboat was moving at a speed of 24 km per hour. Find the speed of the motorboat, knowing that its meeting with the steamboat took place 5 hours after departure.
2. Perform the following actions:
455,948:62 6078+106-6:3 2 km 075 m-16
47,025-75 224 tons 196 kg:28 53,040:680
3. Draw a rectangle with a length of 6 cm and a width of 4 cm. Calculate the area.

Fifth Task
1. Perform the following actions:
3,076-54 907-308 81,606:402
4,030-470 8 kg 450 g-18 69,328:28
8,006-6,030 18 rubles 75 kopecks -10 57 km 892 m:82
2. Calculate the value of the expression:
290-60-15 10+370 5,847-12-30 6,000:15:100

Sixth Task
Variant 1
1. For equipping the pioneer room, they bought 7 tables and 25 chairs. A chair costs 7 rubles 50 kopecks, and a table is 6 times more expensive. How much did all the equipment cost?
2. In a room with a length of 6 m and a width of 5 m, you need to cover the floor with square tiles with a side of 2 dm. How many tiles will be needed for the floor?
Variant 2
1. For the sports school, they bought 6 bicycles and 12 volleyball balls. A bicycle costs 58 rubles 50 kopecks, and a ball is 9 times cheaper. How much does the entire purchase cost?
2. The length of the classroom is 10 m, the width is 9 m. There are 45 students in the class. How many square meters of classroom space does each student have?

Seventh Task
Variant 1
1. Perform the following actions:
23,832:36 100,672 • 968 408 -120
72,000:64 1 m 53 cm:4 cm 5 mm 4,350-64
6,868: (2,437-44-55)+334
2. Write down the equation and solve it:
By what number should 12,936 be divided to get 42?
3. The sum of the sides of a square is 24 cm. Calculate the area.
Variant 2
1. Perform the following actions:
6,141:69 6,386:103 140-803
6,360:265 38 m 70 cm:8 dm 6 cm 435-263
13,156+668: (60+3,852:36)
2. Write down the equation and solve it:
Which number should be divided by 7 to get a quotient of 5006?
3. The area of ​​a rectangle is 35 square cm. Its length is 7 cm. What is the sum of the sides of the rectangle?

1. a) On the first day, the collective farmers collected 210 kg of cherries, and on the second day, 60 kg less. All the collected cherries were dried. How much dried cherries did they get if the weight of the cherries after drying was three times less?
2. Find the product of the numbers 187 and 6097 and check.
3. By how many times is the number 16,077 greater than 699?

Variant 2
1. a) In the school workshop, there were 4 pieces of wire, 15 m 50 cm in each piece, and 8 pieces, 16 m 75 cm in each piece. Half of all the wire was used to make bird cages. How many cages were made if each cage took 14 m of wire?
b) The length of the garden is 72 cm, the width is 30 m. Vegetables occupy the area of ​​this garden. How many square meters are occupied by vegetables?
2. The product of two numbers is 79,218, one of them is 978. Calculate the other one.
3. Increase the number 2,735 by 68 times.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.