How To Become More Productive So You Can Make The Time To Start Your Coaching Practice
You’ve been thinking about starting your own coaching business for a while now.
But you come home from your 9-5 physically, mentally, and emotionally drained.
In your “free time” during the week and on weekends, the last thing you feel energized to do is set up your side hustle.
What if I told you that by changing your daily habits, you could double your productivity, boost your energy, and finally get that coaching business up and running?
All you have to do is align your physical, mental, and emotional states throughout the day. When you do this, you achieve what many athletes experience as being in the zone. Psychologically, you enter the flow state, and emotionally, you’re able to work on purpose and with integrity. Only then can you truly be productive, and gain back hours of otherwise wasted time.
So, how do we align the physical, mental, and emotional so we can do our best work?
In Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book, Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience, he says that skill and challenge must be matched. If we have too little skill, we end up feeling anxious. If we have too much skill and too little challenge, we experience boredom. We must match the level of skill and the level of challenge, and build them in unison, in order to progress and to grow optimally.
We can do this by adapting our daily success ritual to focus our energy on the work we enjoy most, and helps us grow our businesses and double our productivity in the process.
A Natural Rhythm We Have But Don’t Use (And Are Missing Out On)
Our bodies have literally hundreds of different rhythms and cycles. From breathing to our heartbeat to the blinking of our eyes to our emotion cycles and the firing of the neurons in our brains.
We have daily cycles such as the circadian rhythm of sleeping and waking. Inside that big rhythm, runs a smaller rhythm, called the ultradian rhythm.
The ultranium rhythm is the natural cycle of expending and recovering energy that we go through during the day.
Here’s how it works: we get about 90-120 minutes of feeling energized, focused, and motivated. Then, we experience a natural drop in energy during a period of about 20-30 minutes. Since most of us don’t even know this cycle exists, we don’t honor the natural rhythm we go through.
Instead, we attempt to “power through” the falls in energy. Or worse, we go and eat some sugar or have caffeine. We incorrectly believe that if we rest, we won’t come back. It turns out that if we just relax for about 20 mins or so, the energy cycle comes back all by itself, naturally. That’s the power of the ultradian rhythm.
Instead of relaxing, we end up taxing. By not honoring our natural cycle of rising focus and energy and then the natural period of downtime and recovery, eventually we burn ourselves out. Burn out is much harder to recover from than simply allowing the cycle that is already occurring naturally.
If we engage and align the three most important areas of our lives – the physical, mental, and emotional, we can get back in tune with the natural rhythm that’s already occurring. If we neglect one or more of these areas, it’ll pull us down and we’ll only achieve a fraction of our effectiveness.
How Do We Do This?
It’s impossible to perfectly align the physical state of being in the zone, the mental of being in flow, and the emotional state of fulfillment, so I came up with the 60-60-30 Solution.
This solution is a format and philosophy for managing your time and energy at work to boost your physical, mental, and emotional states and work more productively.
How Does It Work?
In the 60-60-30 Solution, you work in 2 blocks of 1 hour. Then, you take a 30 min break.
In the first 2 hours, you focus on your high value work. For me, this is product and marketing, the thing I sell and the thing that gets me customers. For you, this is whatever grows your business and your profit the fastest.
Between your 1 hour blocks, you might take a 5 minute break to stretch and then jump right back in.
At the end of the second 1 hour block, you take a 30 minute break. You can eat a small 300-400 calorie meal, take a walk, take a nap, or meditate.
Remember: the quality of your productivity is built on the quality of your rejuvenation.
We have to make breaks a high priority and high quality. By adding mini rejuvenations throughout the day in the form of high quality intention breaks, we bring this power into our actual work experience.
Pro Tip: Get a timer.
Set it for an hour, or 55 mins, and turn off all distractions. This puts your system in a focused, subconscious groove. Once you set a timer, you can forget about time limitations and dive in, fully focused. I recommend you don’t use your mobile device or computer because when you check it, you don’t want to get caught in the black hole of messages.
What Happens If You Do This?
When you implement the 60-60-30 Solution, you tap into the physical state of being in the zone, the mental state of being in flow, and the emotional state of feeling inspired.
What Happens If You Keep Fighting Your Natural Rhythms?
You get out of sync, burn out, and the cycle continues. When you’re burnt out, it’s hard to remember the bigger picture of what you’re trying to do. Therefore, it’s hard to remember the things you need to do today to get to the bigger picture vision.
The 60-60-30 Solution is about training ourselves to get back in touch with what’s already happening inside us.
When we take the time to create and implement strong daily success rituals for ourselves, all the other areas of our lives fall into place.
In my webinar, Wake Up Productive, you’ll learn more simple, yet effective strategies you can add to your daily routine to double your productivity and profits.
To learn how to optimize your productivity by fine-tuning your daily routine, and boost your profit as a result, sign up for my webinar, Wake Up Productive.
In this FREE workshop you’ll discover:
- Why it’s NOT your fault you’re not as productive as you want to be (HINT: Most time-management systems today are sorely OUTDATED) …
- How to master the “inner game” of productivity FIRST, so becoming productive becomes a natural by-product …
- The #1 thing that’s robbing you of productivity … RIGHT NOW …
- The time management system I used to launch two new multi-million dollar businesses in a single year, while working LESS …
- How as little as 20 minutes daily doing THIS can completely transform your life
- The productivity “pyramid” and why using it every day can quickly increase your income while working LESS
- And much more.

How To Explain What You Do In A Way That Makes People Say, ‘I Need Your Help’
When you operate out of a physical store or office, you’re physically there to welcome clients and customers, to sell, and to nurture your relationships.
When you work virtually, it’s easy to become detached from the personal touches, which can in turn have a negative impact on your business relationships, productivity, and sales.
In this article, you’ll discover 7 marketing tips specifically for your virtual business that will help you get inside the minds of your customers, improve your processes, and increase your bottom line.
Virtual Marketing Tip #1 – There Are Humans Behind Your Numbers
One of the “dangers” of working in a virtual environment is that we tend to forget that every “visitor” to our website, or “statistic” in our business dashboard isn’t just a number. Each and every single one of them is a real human with their own secrets, wounds, and hopes.
When you operate with this in mind, it leads you to want to better understand every person who visits your site. You remember to communicate to them as individuals. And when you talk to them as people, they respond like people.
When I’m driving on the road, or flying in a plane, I like to look at all the people around me. They’re all going somewhere in their life for different reasons. They each live in their own little world, where they view their journey and destination as the most important thing that is happening in that moment. Because for them, it is.
By setting up marketing processes and communication that shows people you understand their unique world and perspective, you can greatly increase your sales.
Virtual Marketing Tip # 2 – Get Customers To Come To You
Marketing and sales isn’t about getting your website online, designing your brand, or even getting your name out. It’s about getting customers. It’s as simple, and complicated, as that. Unlike having a job, the name of the game in the virtual business world isn’t about showing up for work and getting a paycheck. It’s about doing what it takes to get customers.
My good friend Dean Jackson likes to draw the distinction. He says direct response marketing, which is marketing that asks customers to respond, is not about getting your name out there. It’s about getting their name in here. In other words, you get them to come to you by joining your interest list, contacting you on social media or your website, and requesting something from you in exchange for their contact information.
Peter Drucker said that business is really about 2 things:
- Marketing
- Innovation
Marketing is getting your customers to find you and give you money in exchange for your products and services. Innovation is creating the products and services that they want and figuring out how to distribute them to those people.
Virtual Marketing Tip # 3 — Figure Out What Drives Your Customers
You must discover what causes your Prospective Customer to take action. The best way to do this is live and in-person. There are certain triggers that cause people to respond in certain ways, including to make the choice to buy from you. Just like in the animal kingdom, you usually will find that survival, sex, and social status fuel most of the decision making and behavior of a person.
In business, we need to remember this – there’s more going on than meets the eye, and it almost all goes back to basic drives and motives. Using these deep drivers, you realize there is one appeal that will work better to sell your product or service than another appeal.
Your job is to find it.
Virtual Marketing Tip # 4 — Set Up Your Sales Conversion Process
After you’ve talked to customers live on the telephone, on video chat, or in person, move the (now automated) conversation to a live chat box on your website. Once you’ve mastered that, move to email. Put everything you’ve learned into templates, and have those templates address all their objections, and fears, and explain the benefits of your product.
One of the great things about working virtually is that you can continually collect vital distinctions that occur during your sales conversations, and then later incorporate them into an automated process.
Virtual Marketing Tip #5 – Automate Your Sales Process
Once you’ve discovered and refined the sales process, only then should you “automate” it. It makes sense; once you’ve figured out how to do it yourself “manually,” only then can you create a machine to duplicate yourself.
At that point, you can think about using things like autoresponders, which is a sequence of email communications that someone can get after they come to your website.
Virtual Marketing Tip #6 – Keep It Personal
Ultimately, your objective is to script out and automate the “relationship building” process with your customers, from the first “hello” all the way to the point where they trust you enough to buy your product.
Imagine going to the door of one of your customers. Once you’ve scripted out how a real interaction would go, automate it. The first time you “meet,” they’ll need to know who you are, some things about you to build trust and credibility, and that your product can solve their problem and get them the results they’re looking for. They’ll have specific objections you’ll want to address as well.
As you’re doing this, always talk to your prospect one-to-one, realizing that each is an individual human with individual human needs. Write in a casual, upbeat, friendly, and trusting tone.
The more personalized your communication is, the better this typically works.
Virtual Marketing Tip # 7 – Create & Increase Your “Stick”
Give your customers instant access to SOMETHING as soon as they purchase, and engage them – to increase “stick.” Stick means they keep your product and don’t ask for a refund. Many people buy something thinking they’ll return it if they don’t like it. Often, the difference between a person returning or not is the simple question of whether or not you can get them to actually use your product.
Let’s look at an example… Imagine you’re selling adventure travel online. When someone purchases your travel package, email them right away and say, “I made a video for you that gives you tips to help you get the most out of your upcoming adventure…”
Make it fun and engaging. Get them doing stuff. It can make a huge difference in your stick rate, and your re-purchase rate. If they never “get into” your product in the first place, how will they ever know it’s good and that they should come back and buy even more stuff from you?
Those are my 7 Virtual Marketing Tips to help you bring the personal touch back into the virtual world so you can up your digital game, gain more customers, and keep them coming back for more.
To learn more marketing tips, and the specific actions you can start taking now, sign up for our webinar, Marketing Step by Step.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot
You’re going to learn:
- How to attract customers and persuade them to buy ethically so you feel good about what you’re doing and proud of what you’re selling.
- The 12 key marketing mindsets that automatically reset your thinking to create world class marketing.
- How to pinpoint the exact emotional hot button motivator that is driving your customer to take action.
- How to use this emotional motivator in every part of your marketing from beginning to end and increase the sales of every marketing campaign you run. (In other words, you learn how to align all of your marketing around your hot button motivator.)
- How to construct a customer avatar so you can speak directly to your prospect of customer in a way that is uniquely persuasive and motivating. (You’ve probably heard the term, ‘Customer avatar’. I’m the one that came up with that term. I originally taught it in my first ‘Altitude Training Program’. It’s come a long way since. You learn the entire methodology here inside of Marketing Step By Step…)
- How to use education to build trust and rapport with your customers and teach them why they need to buy. (You’ll notice in this article, what I’ve done is I’ve educated you. I’ve taught you how to do it, and this is one of the most persuasive things you can do.)
- How to create a winning name for your business, your product or your service that’s impossible to forget. (We’re well-known for creating very memorable names for our products and our businesses, and I’ll show you the systems that I use to do that.)
- And much more…
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How To Name Your Coaching Program So It Sells Itself
It’s all about the name.
When you’re building your business, products, services, or programs, the name can make a direct impact on your brand and bank account.
Nowhere in marketing do you get as much “bang for your buck” than choosing a name. Yet, too many coaches overlook the importance of getting it right.
Today We’re Diving Into:
- How to create a name that’s impossible for your customers to forget
- The importance of sound when choosing your name
- What to avoid & include in your name
- A few of my favorite name examples to get inspiration from
Create A Name That’s Impossible For Customers To Forget
Most of the things we remember, we didn’t consciously set down to remember. If you’ve tried to create something memorable in the past, you probably focused on logic, cuteness, and things that you like.
Instead, look at it as a marketing challenge: focus on creating a name that directly grabs the customer’s attention and subconsciously impacts their brain and emotional system so they can’t forget it.
Here, I’ll share some tips and tricks when it comes to crafting a name that’s impossible to forget.
The Mind Remembers Name By SOUND, Not By Sight
This is a really important insight I learned from Jack Trout, one of the co-authors of Positioning, and Roy Williams, the creator of the Wizard of Ads books.
Names are sounds before they are printed words — so focus on the SOUND primarily.
When choosing a name, most people focus on the look and logic. It turns out that repetitive and rhythmic sounds are the ones that really stick inside of the mind — so use them! Specifically, use alliteration, rhyme, and various types of rhythm.
Avoid “Cute” or “Funny” Names
Spending money is serious business – and most people don’t want to laugh when they’re doing it. If you look at the top companies in the world, the ones that make A LOT of money and dominate their markets, they rarely have cute or funny names – so avoid them.
Use Names That Promise Results, Benefits, And/Or Solutions
Along with making a name that sounds good, we want to use names that promise some kind of result, benefit, and/or solution, if possible.
If we’re not going to say what it is, we at least want an association so the mind can connect the name with what you’re selling. There are exceptions to this, such as: Xerox, Fedex, and Kodak.
Create a name that promises a BENEFIT by going back to your customers’ fears, frustrations, wants, and aspirations. Look at what your customers are saying and choose words from those lists that promise a benefit, solution, or result.
Rhythm Makes Names Much More “Sticky” In The Mind
We have a system called the “phonological loop” that acts as an auditory buffer. When you hear a sound, it goes into your mind, bounces around in your brain for a while before deciding, “Is this something I record or throw out?” If something keeps bouncing around inside there, it’s much more likely to get committed to long-term, chemical memory. If it doesn’t bounce around, it just goes in one ear and out the other, and we move on to the next thing.
If you can use repetitive and rhythmic sounds to keep your name bouncing around LONGER, then they’re more likely to be committed to the long-term memory. We’ll get to a few examples in a moment but first, let’s look at what you should use and include when creating a name.
Use And Include:
Alliteration — the same sound at the beginning of two words.
Rhyme — the same sound at the end of two or more words.
Rhythm — words that have some kind of repetitive meter to it.
Power Associations — connections to what the name is in the first place.
A Few Of My Favorite Name Examples
Coca Cola — Notice the alliteration with the two ‘c’s at the beginning. There’s also rhyme at the end — ola. It also says what it is. It’s no surprise that Coca Cola is the dominate cola, and probably will be forever. It’s just got the better name. You can’t forget it.
3 Day Blinds — The sound of this one isn’t quite perfect. It doesn’t have exact alliteration, but it does have a powerful promise that impacts part of the decision making process — speed.
YouTube — If you’ve seen the logo, it’s a little picture of a television. Tube is what people use to refer to the television, “Let’s watch the tube.” ‘Youtube’ has nice rhythm. You know how to say it. Everyone says it the same way.
Bed, Bath ∓ Beyond — Notice the strong alliteration – b-b-b. Notice the rhyme, Bed Bath & Beyond.
There are many other examples of names out there that use repetitive sounds, promises of benefit, associations, results, etc. Start keeping your eye out for them. You’ll find that most names are horrible and don’t work in business because they’re not memorable enough.
Names That I’ve Created
I’ve used these very insights and tips to name a few of my own successful businesses and programs.
Double Your Dating — This was my first online marketing business. The name took me probably a month or so, maybe even longer, of work to come up with. Notice it has alliteration with the two d’s. It has a nice rhythm. It also goes along nicely with the pen name I created and write under when I give dating advice, David DeAngelo. David DeAngelo, Double Your Dating. It’s very easy to remember.
Self-Made Wealth — This a program I created on money and wealth.This has a nice balance to it, and a nice rhyme: Self-Made Wealth. It’s got good rhythm and is easy to commit to memory. It has everything that I would want in the name all implied in the words – wealth that you make yourself.
Wake Up Productive — Another name I created, for a time management and productivity program. For this one, you have to say it a few times before you hear the repetitive sounds in the rhythm. When people go through this kind of program, they want to learn the material, wake up in the future, and automatically be productive. That’s why I chose this name. By the end of the program, you will literally wake up productive.
Choosing the perfect name is just one essential component of becoming a successful virtual coach. If you’d like help crafting your name, and taking the next steps to build your business, sign up for my webinar, How To Become A Virtual Coach.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot
In the training you’ll also learn:
- The step-by-step plan to getting started (especially if you’re new to coaching) – even if you’re completely “unknown” and even if you have no list!
- Why coaching is one of the most opportunistic professions in the world to go into and could be for generations to come.
- How to find your perfect clients and instantly build trust with them, so they start coming to you and already know they want to work with you.
- Discover what the #1 Skill of High-Paid Coaches is, and what the “sweet spot” is for pricing — and how it could allow you to help a lot more people AND earn an income several times higher than the average coach.
- I’ll show you a proven and VERY counterintuitive approach to get 5-10x more clients than regular coaches.
- Only long-time coaches can charge a lot, right? Wrong! I’ll show you a simple positioning tactic that you can use to start charging over $200 per hour (or more) right out of the gate with your coaching business.
- All of the technical things can be overwhelming. Email software, setting up webinars, and landing page creation can leave you not knowing where to begin. You only actually need a couple simple tools to get started…discover what you need, even if you’re a total tech newbie.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot

10 Mindset Shifts To Feel Confident Enrolling New Clients On The Phone
You discover a prospect is interested in your program.
You fill with excitement and instantly feel empowered.
Then you remember an important little factor that sucks the excitement right out of you. You still have to get them on the phone to enroll.
For many coaches, this is a nerve-wracking practice that sends them into panic mode.
They bombard themselves with worries:
What if I sound too salesy?
What if they ask me a question I don’t know how to answer and I stumble on my words?
I hate talking about money. How do I defend my price and actually close the deal?
All of these worries and negative thoughts can be calmed by changing our mindset around the practice.
In today’s article, we’re going to go over 10 mindset shifts that will boost your confidence so you can get on the phone with prospects and enroll them in your coaching packages without the feeling of discomfort and overwhelm.
Why We Have To Have The Right Mindset
Think of how you felt last time somebody tried to put you through a canned sales process.
You picked up the phone as someone began reading straight from a sales script. Your defenses went up. As they persisted, you began to feel like your back was up against the wall. You felt pressured and uncomfortable, and you wanted to run away.
When we look at sales this way, and try to implement it in our business, any opportunity to gain trust, nevermind the sale, is instantly lost.
I can give you all the tips and techniques in the world but, unless your mindset is aligned with how to think about client conversations, they won’t work.
Instead, the key to enrolling lots of clients on sales calls is to make the entire process as natural as possible.
Your client’s defenses won’t go up. They won’t feel pressured. You’re not here to do anything they don’t want to do.
I’m going to share 10 important mindset shifts to build confidence to have natural Client Conversations.
Mindset Shift 1: Client Conversations Are A Natural Part Of Getting To Know A New Client
A lot of times we think we have to be a natural born salesperson to be great at enrolling clients.
You don’t.
Like most skills, taking action and practice is key. When you talk with prospects everyday, the fear diminishes and your confidence rises.
A Client Conversation is just another conversation with someone. That’s it.
Mindset 2: New Clients Are The Oxygen Of Your Business
Most of us are conditioned to feel bad about sales, salespeople, and asking for money in general, which is what we’re doing when we enroll a new client into our coaching program. This can leave us with a bad feeling, if we don’t have the right mindset.
Professional sales is different and shouldn’t fall into the same category as the stereotypical used car salesman. Think about it this way: your coaching practice needs sales (and money) in order to operate.
The more resources you and your business have, the better you will be able to serve more clients and make a bigger impact in the world.
Mindset 3: Your Enthusiasm Is Contagious
You must believe in your product, service, and coaching to get results. If it’s clear that you don’t believe in your offer, no one else will.
You’ve probably been around salespeople who work on commission, and you could tell they just weren’t that interested in it. You can tell they don’t really believe in what they’re doing. Their enthusiasm just isn’t there.
Transfer of emotion is a huge part of sales.
You can’t fake truly believing in your product/service. Clients will pick up on it. Think about the last time you ate at a great restaurant, read an amazing book, or tried something you really liked, and then told your friends about it. That is the type of enthusiasm we need to bring to our client conversations.
If you get this mindset right, you’re halfway there.
Mindset 4: Your Role Is To Support Somebody Through The Steps Of Becoming A Client
Having successful Client Conversations is a process.
There is no one word or magic phrase that’s going to get a client to enroll. It just doesn’t happen. Your job is to walk the prospect through the process and support them through the buying journey. That’s how they’ll decide to enroll.
Mindset 5: Rapport Is What Gives Your Client Confidence In You
Selling is an intimate and emotional process.
You are essentially holding your client’s hand and they are trusting you to support them through a buying decision.
Before they can say “yes” to your product, they have to trust and have confidence in you. There was a study done on top salespeople which found that they had the ability to qualify and build rapport faster than others. Possessing this ability helped them become more successful than their peers.
Mindset 6: You Are A Trusted Advisor, Not A Salesperson
Generally speaking, a salesperson is most interested in what’s in it for them.
Their top priority is the commission they’ll make, and they’re willing to say whatever they have to to earn it.
A trusted advisor, on the other hand, is somebody who always acts with their clients interests as their top priority.
When you shift your mindset to cater to your client’s interests as top priority, a paradigm shift occurs. If you’re here reading this, you likely already have this character trait, which is a huge advantage for you.
Mindset 7: As A Coach Your Role Is To Help People Figure Out What They Want
A client needs the help of a trusted advisor to figure out what they want, and how to get it. You help them discover what they want by asking great questions and leading them through the Client Conversation process.
Think about the last time you made a buying decision. We don’t always know exactly what you want. Oftentimes we need the help of another to decipher exactly what our problem is, what we want, and what we don’t want to arrive at the best fit for us.
Think of yourself as a detective during this part of the process.
Your role as a coach is to help people figure out what they want and show them how they will get it by working with you.
Shift 8: As A Coach, You Are A Conversational Leader
Your prospect is hiring you as their trusted advisor to understand their situation and help them get their desired outcome. You must take the lead and be in control of the conversation to do this.
Just like when you lead a coaching client through a transformation, you have to lead your prospect through a client conversation.
Leading is what inspires confidence in your client.
Shift 9: Listening Is One Of Your Most Powerful Tools
This isn’t obvious, and may appear counterintuitive, because most people think selling is all about talking up your product or service.
You build confidence as a trusted advisor by deeply understanding your client’s situation and the outcome they desire.
“If you can explain somebody’s problem better than they can, they will automatically attribute you as having the solution.” — Wyatt Woodsmall
Shift 10: Your Client Makes A Buying Decision, You Don’t Sell Anything
This is the key to making client conversations easy and natural.
When a client conversation is done correctly, we don’t have to “sell” anything, our clients will arrive at a buying decision on their own, with our support.
People hate to be sold, but love to buy things.
Our job during the client conversation is to be our client’s trusted advisor and to lead them through the enrollment process.
Remember: if you don’t have clients, you can’t have a coaching business. If you don’t know how to enroll prospects in your programs and services, you can’t get clients.
To discover more around this topic, reserve your spot in my completely free training, How to Become a Virtual Coach. You’ll learn how to put these 10 mindshifts in place to come in confident, clear, and in control.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot
In the training you’ll also learn:
- The step-by-step plan to getting started (especially if you’re new to coaching) — even if you’re completely “unknown” and even if you have no list!
- Why coaching is one of the most opportunistic professions in the world to go into and could be for generations to come.
- How to find your perfect clients and instantly build trust with them, so they start coming to you and already know they want to work with you.
- Discover what the #1 Skill of High-Paid Coaches is, and what the “sweet spot” is for pricing — and how it could allow you to help a lot more people and earn an income several times higher than the average coach.
- I’ll show you a proven and very counterintuitive approach to get 5-10x more clients than regular coaches.
- Only long-time coaches can charge a lot, right? Wrong! I’ll show you a simple positioning tactic that you can use to start charging over $200 per hour (or more) right out of the gate with your coaching business.
- All of the technical things can be overwhelming. Email software, setting up webinars, and landing page creation can leave you not knowing where to begin. You only actually need a couple simple tools to get started…discover what you need, even if you’re a total tech newbie.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot

How To Build A Reputation When You’ve Just Started Your Business
You start your coaching business.
You’re ready to go out there and show the world what you’ve got.
There’s only one problem.
You quickly arrive at a daunting dilemma. You think, “How can I get clients without a reputation? How do I build a reputation without clients?”
The truth is, it’s all about positioning.
In this article, we’ll dive into how to position yourself to be top of mind for clients, even if you’re just starting out.
Positioning – What It Is And What It Isn’t
Positioning happens in the mind, not in reality.
It’s NOT about looking for a place in the market where you can sneak in. It is about creating a category inside the mind of your prospective customers. Here, I’ll show you how to do this.
The world is complex and full of product options. Human minds use categories as “Shortcut Decision Makers.”
We can keep about 7 or so items in any particular category inside of our mind. Let’s look at an example. Right now, list all the rental car companies you can think of. The following most likely come to mind: Hertz, Avis, Budget, National, Dollar, Thrifty… and maybe one or two others. Then you run out of names.
There are hundreds of rental car companies out there, so why do you only remember 6 or 7 of them?
That’s how the mind works. Once a category fills up, the mind closes it. This happens across all categories – canned foods, brands of cars, places to go on vacation, etc.
Most coaches don’t understand this mentality. They create a service and attempt to get into a category that’s already saturated.
But the mind doesn’t let them in. Because it’s already full.
If You’re Competing, You’ve Already Lost
If you do compete, you’ve already lost, especially when dealing with well-financed competitors who have been at the game for a long time.
The reason is simple. The competitor has already gotten into the mind of your customer.
So what can you do?
Create a new category that you can be first in and let others compete to get in.
How To Create A New Mental Category
Start with an aspect of your customer’s need that’s critically important to them and is currently unfulfilled.
In my business, Double Your Dating, I looked at the market place. I discovered that a lot of relationship books and programs already existed but there were few resources on just dating.
My customers were men who needed to learn how to get the date in the first place so that they could then go on to have a relationship. So I carved off this chunk, maybe 10-20% of the market, and created products and services to cater to a need that was critically important to them that wasn’t being met.
I created a new category: Dating Advice For Men. Since this need wasn’t being met, I quickly became #1 in the category.
Base your new mental category on a key need that is currently unmet, and build out your product to meet it.
Categories Diverge Just Like Species Diverge
Something interesting occurs within categories. The big 800 lb. gorilla in a business category is almost never the one who builds the next category that they should have built and that they should have won the game at.
Let’s look at a few big name examples.
IBM dominated the computer market for decades. They created all kinds of software. It made sense that they should have been #1 in software. But they weren’t. Microsoft was.
Microsoft was able to become #1 in software because they split off that portion and went to work on it. They were a big company that had tens of thousands of dollars in the bank and all kinds of experience with software and even search engines. They should have gone on to be #1 in search engines, but they didn’t. Google did.
A little startup of a couple of young guys created something that actually beat Microsoft. Google won the search engine game. With 100 million or so people using Gmail and everybody on the planet using their search engine, maps, and other tools, Google should have gone on to win the social networking game. But they didn’t. Facebook did.
The list goes on and on.
Big companies lose because instead of creating a new niche and a new business, they try to take the old stuff they used to do and re-label it.
The problem is that the market doesn’t accept this. These big companies were already placed in a mental category. People thought, you’re a software maker, not a hardware maker. You’re a search engine maker, not a social networking maker. So we go with the new thing.
Categories diverge and they emerge just like species emerge and diverge in ecosystems.
If you understand this and you’re willing to create a new category, you can win the game.
Every business category eventually becomes two categories – or more. Computers became laptops and desktops, cars became compact cars, midsize cars, and luxury cars.
Anticipate this process, and split the category yourself to create a category that you can own.
Name Your New Category
To create a category you can own, you have to name it to get into the mind first so that customers will see you as the INVENTOR of it.
You win by creating and promoting the category itself, not just your particular business or product.
It’s better to be first, than it is to be better.
Who was the first search engine? Who was the first energy drink? Who was the first portable MP3 player? Most people would say Google, Red Bull, and iPod, respectively, because they were first in the MIND.
Being first is more memorable than being better. This is an example of human psychology that is very counterintuitive. It’s only something that experts with experience figure out, but it’s something you can use right now to a dramatic advantage, if you use it consciously.
Let’s look at a few more examples:
- Health Foods: Whole Foods Market
- Online Auctions: eBay
- Social Networking: Facebook
- Online Video: YouTube
These particular names, these brands, these companies are so well known they almost represent the entire category in the mind. For the real masters of this game, their brand name has become the name of the category. People start to call the category by the brand name. Examples include Jello-o, Kleenex, or now even Starbucks.
How Are You Positioning Yourself?
What’s the unmet need that you can own in the mind with your coaching? Create your category.
Think about the following questions to help draw them out:
- What is the biggest unmet need that your Prospective Client has – that you could create a unique mental category around?
- What could you name this new category, so you’re considered the creator of it?
- Where could you take an existing category and divide it into 2 or more sub-categories, based on specific needs, and then own one of them?
For a more indepth look into how to use these strategies to immediately build your reputation in your coaching business, click below to watch the Free Training.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot
In the training you’ll also learn:
- The step-by-step plan to getting started (especially if you’re new to coaching) – even if you’re completely “unknown” and even if you have no list!
- Why coaching is one of the most opportunistic professions in the world to go into and could be for generations to come.
- How to find your perfect clients and instantly build trust with them, so they start coming to you and already know they want to work with you.
- Discover what the #1 Skill of High-Paid Coaches is, and what the “sweet spot” is for pricing – and how it could allow you to help a lot more people and earn an income several times higher than the average coach.
- I’ll show you a proven and very counterintuitive approach to get 5-10x more clients than regular coaches.
- Only long-time coaches can charge a lot, right? Wrong! I’ll show you a simple positioning tactic that you can use to start charging over $200 per hour (or more) right out of the gate with your coaching business.
All of the technical things can be overwhelming. Email software, setting up webinars, and landing page creation can leave you not knowing where to begin. You only actually need a couple simple tools to get started…discover what you need, even if you’re a total tech newbie.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot

Are You Going About Getting Coaching Clients All Wrong?
How do you currently get clients?
Most coaches put up their website and wait for clients to type ‘coaching’ in their search engine and stumble upon them.
There’s only one problem: 99% of people aren’t searching for ‘coaching.’
Instead, they’re searching for a tangible result to a specific problem.
It’s your job to pinpoint their pain, decipher their desire, and demonstrate that YOU are the one to help them achieve their goal.
As a coach, you need to remember that you’re not selling coaching, instead you’re selling a result.
There’s a simple way to do this that can tremendously impact how you get clients if done correctly.
The #1 Secret To Getting Clients
The biggest secret to attracting clients has to do with something I call “Moving the free line.” It’s where you simply give away your best stuff for free to attract in your ideal clients. Sound counterintuitive? Let me explain.
How To “Move The Free Line”
My good friend and legendary marketer, Dean Jackson, gives a really great analogy of moving the free line. He calls it, “Potato Chip Marketing.”
Picture this: You’re at a park with a bag of potato chips.You want a squirrel to eat out of your hand. How do you make it happen?
Well, you make a line of potato chips. First, you put one down, then another 2 feet away, then another, so on and so forth. While you’re seated further away on a bench, the squirrel will come out and grab the first potato chip. When they feel safe, they’ll eat the next one, and then the next one, until pretty soon they’re eating right from your hand.
This is exactly what coaches need to do with prospects. You have to build trust first.
Unfortunately, most coaches scare the squirrel away.
Setting up a website and sending clients there is like trying to get the squirrel to eat out of your hand on the first chip.
It’s not going to happen, so you need to be strategic about it.
“Double Your Dating” & The “Kiss Test”
“Double Your Dating”
I launched my first business, “Double Your Dating” in 2001 with a simple ebook.
The ebook quickly brought in $5k – $10k/month, but it wasn’t until I started moving the free line that things really took off.
Instead of driving prospects directly to the sales page, I gave them a taste of my value by giving away a free gift first.
Men would take to the internet to search for information on dating. They were seeking advice on how to avoid getting rejected by women. They’d see an ad or search result (1st potato chip) about this. When they clicked on it, they were taken to an optin page offering a free gift (2nd potato chip).
The “Kiss Test”
For a free gift, I came up with a valuable strategy for men to know if a woman was ready to be kissed and how to avoid rejection.
It was wildly successful.
Only after they received the free gift, and got to know me and experience real value at no cost, would I then start to offer my ebook and other paid services.
I strategically moved my free line to get more coaching clients by following this simple sequence:
- Online ad
- Free gift for opting in
- Low priced product/service
- Higher priced product
- Even higher priced products than that – coaching clubs and coaching services & subscription
Now, you might be thinking, “Ok, that’s nice for an ebook, but I’m not selling a physical product.”
It’s a big mistake to think selling coaching is different from selling anything else.
Moving the free line works for products and it works for coaching.
BEFORE you can offer potential clients your paid coaching services, you have to build trust. Offering a valuable free gift is an excellent way to do this.
How You Can Implement Moving The Free Line
Start by creating a free gift that offers a desired solution to a specific problem.
Don’t be afraid to give away one of your best strategies for free. When I shared The “Kiss Test,” my friends told me I was crazy to give away such tremendous value for free. But it paid off.
As a result I made $135k by the end of the first year, to $12M by the end of the 5th.
That is the power of moving the free line done well.
Remember, probably 99% of people who are searching for answers are not searching for a coach.
You have to dive into the conversation that your potential client is having in their head.
Where are they coming from? What are they thinking? What is the #1 thing they want or want to avoid? When you tap into their mind and heart, and convey their pains and desires on paper, the right person signs up instantly.
When you put together a phenomenal free gift, for the right audience, using the right rules to put it together, prospects won’t be able to stop with just one chip.
What free gift can you start attracting clients with?
Sign up for the training below to learn how to lure clients in by creating the perfect irresistible free gift.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot
In the training you’ll also learn:
- The step-by-step plan to getting started (especially if you’re new to coaching) – even if you’re completely “unknown” and even if you have no list!
- Why coaching is one of the most opportunistic professions in the world to go into and could be for generations to come.
- How to find your perfect clients and instantly build trust with them, so they start coming to you and already know they want to work with you.
- Discover what the #1 Skill of High-Paid Coaches is, and what the “sweet spot” is for pricing – and how it could allow you to help a lot more people and earn an income several times higher than the average coach.
- I’ll show you a proven and very counterintuitive approach to get 5-10x more clients than regular coaches.
- Only long-time coaches can charge a lot, right? Wrong! I’ll show you a simple positioning tactic that you can use to start charging over $200 per hour (or more) right out of the gate with your coaching business.
- All of the technical things can be overwhelming. Email software, setting up webinars, and landing page creation can leave you not knowing where to begin.
You only actually need a couple simple tools to get started…discover what you need, even if you’re a total tech newbie.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot

How To Make A Big Career Change, Especially If You’re Afraid To Fail
When you decide that you’re going to make a big career leap, if can feel scary. Fear can creep in and cause you to feel numb at the idea of making the change.
There’s one key factor that, if not trained, will hold you back from making the leap and a sustainable income…
Your mindset.
Having the right mindset is critical to overcoming obstacles and making money.
In this article, you’re going to learn the top obstacles and how to overcome them with key money-making mindsets.
6 Obstacles To Long Term Income Success
1. Fear
Fear is the most debilitating obstacle we face in business. The fear of rejection and failure stems from a lack of control. If we let it drive us, we’re less likely to take action.
You need to recognize that fear is part of the process and overcome it so you can take action.
2. Thinking That We Humans Are All The Same
If we think we’re all the same, then we assume we all have the same gifts and opportunities. It’s not true. This kind of thinking leads to behavioral and conceptual mistakes that can be damaging and expensive to long term success.
While we may share intrinsic, inalienable rights to freedom, expression, opportunity, and pursuing happiness… we are not all the same. This is great news. It means you possess unique gifts unique that will allow you to create success somewhere in the world.
3. Thinking That We Humans Are All Different
We’re the same AND we’re different. We each have unique gifts to offer. BUT, if we get too focused on individual differences, we lose touch with reality.
This is an important distinction I learned from my good friend and mentor, Wyatt Woodsmall. When we understand that we’re different but there are patterns to the differences and opportunities, we can realize we each have our own unique version of skills and gifts to give.
4. Not Knowing What You’re Good At
If we don’t know what we’re good at, we lack confidence. The essence of self-esteem is believing you can face any challenge life throws at you, and that you’ll succeed and even thrive in the face of those challenges.
To succeed in turning talent into income, you must discover what you’re good at.
5. Not Knowing What The Opportunities Are Now, And Into The Future
One of the big mistakes I see people make is choosing their life direction based on how they feel and what they want to do without considering the available opportunities.
The truth is, most businesses and markets are not growing – you need to recognize what they are and avoid them. Find the opportunities that are on the rise, and follow them into the future.
6. Not Knowing How To Create Massive Value
Most of us have learned how to show up at our place of employment, get a pat on the head from someone else, and take home a paycheck. This is the lowest level of value creation. When you get into the real psychology of value creation, and then go to work to create the value – not just do the “work” – the whole game changes.
To do this, you have to discover the industry’s, business models, and specific skills where growth is likely to occur. When you align them and then take your talent and develop it into a gift that’s uniquely and consciously designed to create massive value, you prepare yourself for future growth and success.
You must learn how to create massive value in the business environment you’re in now, and particularly the one you’ll be in in the future.
How do we overcome these obstacles to long term income success?
We adapt specific success mindsets.
7 Mindsets For Success
1. I have unique gifts and abilities that can be turned into consistent high income.
This must be your mental approach. If you believe you can’t, you’ll make this reality a self-fulfilling prophecy. Others will pick up on your lack of self-belief and won’t buy from you.
2. There are more than enough opportunities available for me to become highly successful.
People often think, “I’m really good at this particular thing but it’s really competitive so I don’t want to do it.” If you don’t believe there’s room for you at the top, you’ll never get there.
3. New people fill new opportunities, and there are new opportunities being created for me everyday.
Whenever a new category emerges in business, it’s almost always filled by someone new, not by the successful person from the last round.
In the dawn of the computer and tech age, IBM made computer hardware. IBM should have dominated when the software industry emerged. But they didn’t. The new opportunity was filled by a new company, Microsoft. Microsoft should have gone on to dominate the internet. But they didn’t. Google did. And the list goes on and on.
There are new opportunities everyday for new people to fill. That means there are new opportunities being created FOR YOU every single day. You just need to tune in and take advantage of them.
4. Just because the opportunities and knowledge exist, doesn’t mean you know about them.
Just because you put your website online doesn’t mean anyone knows about it or is going to find it. There are many opportunities available, but we can’t see them if we’re not trying to find them.
How do you find opportunities? First, you have to believe they exist. Then, you have to develop yourself and understand the industry and types of businesses where you can create a lot of value.
When I started teaching online courses about how to succeed in business and personal life, I saw an opportunity. Many men were seeking success in the dating world, and weren’t really finding what they needed. I was interested in my own dating life at the time and saw a massive opportunity where others couldn’t. In doing so, I was able to address a need that wasn’t being met, and create a successful multimillion dollar company around it.
5. In the past, income was about doing work. In the future, income is about results and value creation.
Today, some people get wealthy very rapidly. People are going from nobody to billionaire in a few years’ time by starting the right business that scales and grows. While this might not sound fair, and our chances of joining them are rare, there is a lesson we can learn: It’s no longer about manual labor. It’s about creating massive value and driving results.
6. I am responsible for my results, even though there are many challenges outside my control.
We have to take responsibility for our results. There are many factors in life that are outside of our control, BUT we actually gain back control when we take responsibility for the results and value we create. We can then do a better job at intentionally creating them.
7. Connecting my talent to big future opportunities, then developing my talent into a strength I can focus over the long term to create massive value, is my road to high income.
This last mindset is my course, Platinum Passport and “Turning Your Talent To Income,” in a nutshell. In the course, we uncover the industries, business models, roles, and specific skills where growth is likely to occur. If you’re ready to prepare and secure your place in the future to turn your talent into income, sign up today.
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How To Become A Magnet To Qualified Clients Only
Do you wish you could attract more of the clients you want, and less of the ones you don’t?
Unfortunately, I see far too many coaches get caught spending time with unqualified leads.
As a result, they drain their time, energy, and joy for coaching by seeking out and trying to work with with the wrong people.
The wrong people are the Unqualified Clients.
In this article I’m going to share:
- Warning signs of an Unqualified Client.
- Who is a Qualified Client for your coaching business & how to immediately recognize them.
- And how to become a magnet to them.
Warning Signs Of An Unqualified Client
You know the one.
The client who tried to bargain with you before signing up for your service. The one who sends you “emergency” emails at 10pm, expecting an immediate response. The one who constantly requests extras not included in the project scope.
They have no idea what they’re doing or what they really want, but they’re quick to demand and reluctant to pay.
They suck your time and attention, hoping you’ll magically figure it out for them.
It’s hard to be motivated to work with this kind of a person. Yet, so many of us end up doing so.
You cannot lead someone who isn’t ready to follow. You also can’t let them drag you down.
When you work with someone who isn’t motivated or invested, they are unlikely to achieve any long-term benefits from working with you, which is frustrating for both parties.
It’s healthy, and sets a good example, to create standards and boundaries for yourself as you grow your business – you deserve to be successful.
As you build your coaching practice, you will learn that few things waste time (and money) like unqualified leads. It’s crucial to attract the leads you want and repel the ones you don’t want.
Who Is A Qualified Client?
A Qualified Client meets two fundamental requisites:
- They have a specific need or outcome.
- They are willing to invest ($$) to get it.
If your prospect doesn’t have a specific or measurable outcome and/or they aren’t willing to invest to get it, then they most likely aren’t going to be a good client.
You want the individuals who know what they want, are financially willing and able to invest, and simply need your guidance to make it happen.
What does a specific need or outcome mean?
Many people get to a point in their life where they realize they are frustrated, fed up, and ready for change. They’ve learned what hasn’t worked for them.
They KNOW what they want. They have a specific goal, need, or outcome in mind. They simply need your help getting there.
People tend to have fear or desire around the physical, emotional, and conceptual domains, and there’s a certain group who are willing to do something about it.
Approximately 50% Of Prospects Can Be Great Clients
Imagine… we randomly pick up 100 people off the street right now. We put them in a room and ask, “Is there something in your life that you really want to achieve that you’re open to investing in?”
Out of those 100 people, there’s maybe around 20 of them who want to really achieve something. Of that 20, there’s probably only 5-10 of them are actually willing to invest to get it.
Those 5-10 people are your Qualified Prospects.
Of those 5-10 people, roughly 50% of them can become great clients.
A prospect is someone with whom you setup an appointment to talk to about being a client. This is after they’ve shown interest in what you do and how you can help them, and most importantly, someone who has been qualified in advance. They’ve either gone through your funnel, contacted you, met with you in person, or they’ve consumed some of your free tools and are interested in discovering more about your coaching.
If we treat everyone like they’re a Qualified Client, we risk having the following occur:
You go through an entire process with them. Maybe even an interview. It takes time.
You finally get to the point of offering one of your packages and you say, “I have a 12 week package and it’s $2,400.” They freeze and say, “Oh no, no. That’s not what I was looking for. I was just looking for more information.”
It’s frustrating, right?
A Key Decision: Qualified Clients Only
Avoid wasting time, energy, and resources by deciding to work exclusively with the right people.
This is why it’s critical to have a funnel in place to help filter out the the wrong people, the ones who are not qualified prospects.
Instead of having 100 1-on-1 conversations to weed out the 5-10 that are qualified, you only have a conversation with those 5-10 people from the beginning to determine if it’s a good fit, and enrolling possibly 50% of them.
Once you have your prospects lined up, it’s time to interact.
How To Interact With Qualified Clients Only
Through marketing.
But before you can market, you need to figure out who that Qualified Client is for your coaching services.
How will you know they are motivated to get the result they want?
How do you know they are actively seeking solutions?
Be as specific as possible to make sure you’re on target.
You need to spend some time getting crystal clear on who your ideal, Qualified Client is, and what makes them a great client for you to work with.
If you truly understand the client you want, you’ll know where to go to find that person and how to draw them in through your marketing.
If you want to discover how to find more Qualified Clients, I’d like to invite you to a training where I’m going to teach you How To Be A Virtual Coach.
In this training, you will learn the #1 tool to use to become a magnet for attracting Qualified Clients on autopilot.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot
Why You Should Watch The Training:
- If you enjoy helping others, and you’ve always dreamed about doing work that makes a real difference in people’s lives – and you also want to do something where you can get paid extremely well for your time – then this is for you.
- In most jobs you need to work 40-60 hours per to week to earn $47,900 per year, however you’ll see how you can make the exact same amount doing less than 1-hour of coaching per day.
- The 3 reasons why becoming a Virtual Coach may be the fastest and simplest way to create your “Dream Job” or your “Dream Business.
- How to create your perfect “Dream Business” where you wake up and are excited to dive in each day while making a real difference in people’s lives every day.
- How to find the people who are willing to invest in your high-level coaching to get to the next level in their life and their business.
- As a coach you can charge 10X compared to the average salary of a person in the United States.
- As a Virtual Coach, you’re the boss. You set your own hours and you decide who you will and won’t take on as a client. You can travel whenever you want and work from anywhere in the world – as long as you have an internet connection.
- How as long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can start a Virtual Coaching business with virtually zero in start up costs – and you can get started quickly.
- The #1 strategy I’ve used to sell over 100 million dollars in products and services online to more than 1 million paying clients and customers that you can use too. It’s so simple yet extremely effective in helping you attract in qualified clients…we call it the Client Magnets.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot

Is The Virtual Coach Lifestyle For You?
What comes to mind when you think about working virtually?
Do you envision setting your own work hours? Working from your laptop on the beach?
Virtual = freedom. The freedom to do what you want, where you want, when you want.
Being a virtual coach comes with its advantages. But it also comes with some serious challenges.
In this article, we’ll explore the advantages and challenges of working virtually, plus a powerful exercise to help you determine if the virtual coach lifestyle is for you.
Virtual Advantage # 1 – You Control Your Environment
You decide where to work. You have full control over your environment. You don’t have to ask anyone permission to turn the heating and cooling up or down. You decide where to set up your computer, the chair you want to sit in, and what you surround yourself with.
Virtual Advantage # 2 – You Set Your Own Work Hours
You decide when to work. If you’re a morning person, or a night owl, you can adjust your schedule accordingly. You can take a break when you want, and follow the routine that best suites you.
Virtual Advantage # 3 – You Get Tremendous Flexibility
Controlling your environment and setting your own work hours are two of the greatest flexibilities a virtual business gives you. If the first thing you want to do when you wake up in the morning is go to a yoga class, or go for a run through the park, you can. You literally get to shape your business around your life.
Virtual Advantage # 4 – You Don’t Have To Commute
This is a personal favorite of mine. Commuting is expensive and consumes time, effort, and energy. You have to get up early in the morning, and put extra effort into preparing yourself to look like a professional. Working virtually, you don’t have to figure out the logistics of commuting or parking. When you’re building your virtual business, that time is invaluable for you to work on your highest value activities or step away and unplug.
Virtual Advantage # 5 – You Don’t Have To Pay Rent Twice
Years ago, I met Tony Robbins at a time when he was going through some interesting changes in his business. After showing him how our business worked, he decided to get rid of his big expensive office and switch his business to a virtual model. He later told me it saved him a lot of money in rent and other expenses, and he was really glad he did it.
Those are 5 of the advantages to the virtual lifestyle. Now, let’s take a look at some of the challenges…
Virtual Challenge # 1 – You Lose Communication “Bandwidth”
We humans like to communicate with each other. Behind most behavioral motivations, you’ll find a person who’s trying to get attention, connect, and build relationships with others to get a sense of being part of something greater than they are.
When you work virtually, you lose a lot of the bandwidth that comes along with in-person encounters like facial expressions and voice tone.
Virtual Challenge # 2 – You Must Direct And Manage Yourself
With freedom comes responsibility. When you’re not working in an office with others to hold you accountable, it’s easy to get distracted and lose self-control, especially when you’re alone and dealing with some of the unique distractions that arise when working from home.
Virtual Challenge # 3 – Your Friends And Family Don’t “Get It”
For some reason, friends and family think it’s okay to interrupt and distract us. Most of them haven’t worked in a virtual environment. They haven’t faced the challenges themselves so they just don’t understand. We need to train the people we care about to support us in our virtual business. If we don’t, distractions and interruptions will only escalate, taking us off the important things that we need to do.
Virtual Challenge # 4 – It’s Mentally Confusing To Be “Virtual”
We humans are used to working and being around other humans. We unconsciously seek it out. It’s confusing, and actually stressful, when we’re not around other people. We can be deceived by the apparent simplicity of looking at a set of stats on a computer screen and forgetting that each one of those numbers represents a real human being. Working in a virtual environment and having a computer between us and the rest of the world disconnects and detaches us, which can lead us to behave and communicate in ways that aren’t optimal.
Virtual Challenge # 5 – You Can’t See What Others Are Doing
This is one the biggest fears business owners face when going virtual. How do you manage people if you can’t see what they’re doing? How do you know they’re doing their job?
Fortunately, I’ve learned in my own experience that when we work virtually and track our business with reporting and feedback mechanisms and dashboards, we get better objective insight into what’s going on in our business.
Before we jump into a powerful exercise to help uncover your goals and start making them happen, here’s something to consider:
Search technology like Google allows us to go online and type in an idea or question and yield instant results. In a fraction of a second you can tap into one of the largest networks in the world using billions of dollars worth of technology.
The brain is the search technology for our goals and visions.
We have access to this everyday.
Let’s tap into our brain search. In this exercise, you’ll begin to paint a vivid picture of your life so you can start taking action to make it a reality.
Imagine your life in 3 years. Think about what you want to achieve in your personal life.
Close your eyes and picture:
What does your home look like? Who are you surrounded by? What kind of food do you eat? What kind of activities do you partake in for leisure?
Put yourself into the picture. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel?
Think about what would have to happen in your business so that you could live that lifestyle. Where is your office setup? In your bedroom? A den? The garage? The basement? How big is your business? How many customers do you have? How much money are you making? How much of that is profit? How many people are working inside your business?
Once you have a vivid picture in your mind, write it down.
When you dedicate the time and energy to dive in and complete this exercise, you communicate your intention on all levels. Your inner workings begin to see your vision as reality, and they work to make it happen.
This is just one of the powerful exercises we explore in my training, “Building A Virtual Business Course/ The Platinum Passport.”
Are you ready to be a virtual coach? Sign up to start taking the next step.
In this training, you will learn what it takes to become a Virtual Coach and if it’s right for you.
Click Here To Reserve Your Spot
Why You Should Watch The Training:
- If you enjoy helping others, and you’ve always dreamed about doing work that makes a real difference in people’s lives – and you also want to do something where you can get paid extremely well for your time – then this is for you.
- In most jobs you need to work 40-60 hours per to week to earn $47,900 per year, however you’ll see how you can make the exact same amount doing less than 1-hour of coaching per day.
- The 3 reasons why becoming a Virtual Coach may be the fastest and simplest way to create your “Dream Job” or your “Dream Business.
- How to create your perfect “Dream Business” where you wake up and are excited to dive in each day while making a real difference in people’s lives every day.
- How to find the people who are willing to invest in your high-level coaching to get to the next level in their life and their business.
- As a coach you can charge 10X compared to the average salary of a person in the United States.
- As a Virtual Coach, you’re the boss. You set your own hours and you decide who you will and won’t take on as a client. You can travel whenever you want and work from anywhere in the world – as long as you have an internet connection.
- How as long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can start a Virtual Coaching business with virtually zero in start up costs – and you can get started quickly.
- The #1 strategy I’ve used to sell over 100 million dollars in products and services online to more than 1 million paying clients and customers that you can use too. It’s so simple yet extremely effective in helping you attract in qualified clients…we call it the Client Magnets.
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The #1 Secret To Becoming A High Paid Coach
How do some coaches charge $100/hr while others charge up to $1,000/hr?
Is it because the higher paid coaches have more experience? More certifications?
No, instead it’s about offering a service that supports another person in reaching the outcome that THEY long for.
Your coaching service isn’t the outcome itself, it’s only the means to the outcome.
The #1 secret to becoming a high paid coach is learning how to paint a vivid picture of the desired outcome, and conveying the confidence that YOU are the person to help produce that outcome.
That’s how the high paid coach confidently charges more.
How To Become A High Paid Coach
First, you have to get clear on the features, advantages, and benefits of what you have to offer.
Feature – what your service is.
Advantage – what it does.
Benefit – the positive experience your client enjoys as a result.
A Classic Example: Automobile Air Conditioning
No one wants to buy air conditioning.
That’s simply the feature, what it is. The advantage is what it does: it cools down the air in the car. The benefit is the experience of enjoying a comfortable temperature inside, regardless of the temperature outside.
We don’t care about the process of how cooling down the air works. We only want the end-result: getting to ride around on a hot day with the windows rolled up and the perfect temperature inside.
Switching On A Light In Your Home
Let’s use the example of a light switch in your home.
The feature is the light switch itself. The advantage is that it switches on the power to the lights. The benefit is that it could be dark outside, but you’re in a room lit as if it’s daylight.
That’s all we want.
We don’t care too much about how it all happens. It’s just a means to get us where we want to go and an experience we wish to have.
Always focus on the benefit from the client’s perspective.
It’s not about the features of your coaching, but rather experiencing the outcome that they desire.
The Evidence Procedure
There’s a term in neuro-linguistic programming called the Evidence Procedure. It’s all about recognizing how you’ll know when you’ve achieved the outcome you want.
It asks the following questions:
- What will be the evidence that you’ve achieved “X”?
- How will your client know when they reach the outcome they want?
- What will happen in the physical environment? How will they know that it happened?
- What’s the physical language that they’ll use to describe what will happen in their emotions and their relationships? How will they know that happened?
- What’s the feeling and the language they’ll use to describe what’s going on in their mind?
When working with clients or prospects, always ask yourself, “What’s the Evidence Procedure?” How will your client know when they’ve realized the outcome that they want?
Let’s walk through an example.
The Evidence Procedure Using Health Coaching
Let’s say that you’re working with a client who wants to lose 20 lb of belly fat.
We’ll use a standardized example just so that we can all relate. We could just as easily substitute this example with getting a raise at work, learning a new skill, or achieving a relationship goal. Plug in your example here.
But, let’s say that someone wants to lose this weight specifically around their belly.
What happens in the physical environment for them to know that it happened?
How will they know that they’ve actually lost the 20 lb of belly fat?
Simple. They’ll step on a scale and see that instead of weighing 190 lb, they now weigh 170 lb, affirming that they have in fact lost 20 lb. They’ll be able to physically see that their old jeans are now baggy and they’ll have to buy new clothes.
What happens in their emotions and relationships?
They might start feeling more energetic in their physical and emotional state. They might notice a new feeling of optimism or joy. This positive energy might lead others to want to be around them more. They might receive an abundance of compliments like, “Wow! You look great!” They might feel proud when around friends or family in a way that didn’t occur before.
What will happen in their mind and how will they know it when it happens?
They might discover a renewed sense of pride and gratitude. They might thinking to themselves, “Wow, I did it!”
When you accomplish a longing desire, it reaffirms that you are worthy and that if you can do this, you can do anything.
The Evidence Procedure is the ideas that surface, the thoughts going through the mind, and all of the possibilities that arise as a result. In your coaching business it’s important to make sure that you understand the outcome that your clients really desire.
But it’s not enough to think only about the desired outcome. We have to think about the how.
When your client knows exactly how they’ll be able to tell when they’ve achieved the outcome they want and feel confident that you are the person to help them get there, you can charge more for your services.
How do you find this material? How do you discover what it is that they really want?
I’ve created a training just for this. Sign up below to learn how to confidently position yourself as a High Paid Virtual Coach.
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Why You Should Watch The Training:
- If you enjoy helping others, and you’ve always dreamed about doing work that makes a real difference in people’s lives – and you also want to do something where you can get paid extremely well for your time – then this is for you.
- In most jobs you need to work 40-60 hours per to week to earn $47,900 per year, however you’ll see how you can make the exact same amount doing less than 1-hour of coaching per day.
- The 3 reasons why becoming a Virtual Coach may be the fastest and simplest way to create your “Dream Job” or your “Dream Business.
- How to create your perfect “Dream Business” where you wake up and are excited to dive in each day while making a real difference in people’s lives every day.
- How to find the people who are willing to invest in your high-level coaching to get to the next level in their life and their business.
- As a coach you can charge 10X compared to the average salary of a person in the United States.
- As a Virtual Coach, you’re the boss. You set your own hours and you decide who you will and won’t take on as a client. You can travel whenever you want and work from anywhere in the world – as long as you have an internet connection.
- How as long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can start a Virtual Coaching business with virtually zero in start up costs – and you can get started quickly.
- The #1 strategy I’ve used to sell over 100 million dollars in products and services online to more than 1 million paying clients and customers that you can use too. It’s so simple yet extremely effective that has high-paid coaches have their ideal clients knowing on their door asking to work with them…we call in the Client Magnets.
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